Journal 7 |
We say we want to know the real truth - but then we find the Truth too confronting for us to handle. Why?
Perhaps because the Truth does not reinforce our existing beliefs ... we are reluctant to grasp the Truth! |
7.157 Paragraph CHAPTER 4. REC #2 SANAT KUMARA 7.158 TUE., SEP. 26, 1989 10:30 A.M. YEAR 3, DAY 041 7.159 Sanat Kumara present to continue, please. 7.160 PROPHECIES. 7.161 I was last speaking of the signs which would be projected within the heavens, for there shall be great displays in the skies of Earth, for the elements themselves will have total control for a short period of time. There will be great rainstorms and floods-- widespread and yet sporadic. You remember the ancient stories about how it rained forty days and nights? That is nothing compared to what it will rain--perhaps forty months. The entire face of the Earth shall change and it will become unrecognizable as you know its characterization at present. 7.162 Strange and wondrous creatures shall appear from the depths of the oceans to the wonderment and bewilderment of man, creatures many times larger than the largest ocean liners for their habitat will be brought forth. There shall be plagues and famines of even greater magnitude than you witness this day--no country or peoples will be spared. Beasts and creatures unknown shall appear and some will turn upon the peoples for they will be hungry and terrified and they will effort at reclamation of their own proper living spaces which man has taken for himself. Those who have killed a brother animal for the sport of it will likely be slain by those very creatures for all cycles end where they have begun. 7.163 Your Earth is about ready to become a 'sun', as Ashtar and Hatonn have previously informed you. It will not be exactly like your solar system sun as you recognize it--but it shall become surrounded by a golden corona which will become more brilliant and denser to other system locations. It is stepping into a higher rate of vibration and density change. You can only experience, as do your astronomers, from the inside outward. Your space machines do not get far enough away from your surface to see the changes and it is not of "visible" manifested format that you dense creatures can witness with your human eyes. You are moving from a three dimensional into a fourth dimensional world. This MUST take place as you move through the heart of the great cosmic cloud. 7.164 The great prophecies brought forth unto you ones will then come to pass--as many are so doing presently. Those which tell you the Sun shall turn blood red and the Moon shall be red as a ruby, and the day shall be gone and it shall be dark upon the Earth for a period of days. There shall be great, great confusion. The oxygen supply will be reduced upon the Earth for a period of time (and you will wish you had not incinerated your plant-like brethren who came to assist you). This will be followed by periods of great moisture, then broiling heat and parched areas alternating with floods. ALMOST ALL THINGS UPON THE FACE OF THE EARTH WILL BE DESTROYED BY THESE THINGS WHICH SHALL COME UPON THIS BELOVED LAND. 7.165 When is this time coming? You are already into it! Each day it grows in intensity. More of your craft that fly in the air will come down and much life will be taken. Your ships of the sea will collide and have accidents and sink. Your oceans and shores will become more and more contaminated and the fishes will die. Your rivers and lakes will become so polluted that your water life will cease to live in them--it is already thus for you pour acid upon them in your greed and lust for luxury and material gain. There will be more and greater intensity tornados and hurricanes--more and deeper flooding, coming one upon another. The Polar caps are melting more and faster each day! The water levels are rising in your massive inland seas and in your open seas while your water supply for consumption is diminishing. Then the volcanos will erupt as the earthquakes strike. YOU MUST GET PREPARED, STOP THY QUIBBLING OVER WHETHER OR NOT THIS IS TRUTH--GET YOURSELVES IN PROTECTION. 7.166 CHARLES' TASK. 7.167 THE ONE CHARLES MUST COME INTO HIS TASK; HE IS GROOMED TO BE ABLE TO OUTLINE ELECTRICAL AND WATER SYSTEMS FOR YOUR SHELTER SYSTEMS--HE MUST BE WORKED INTO YOUR COMMUNITY SYSTEM AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE TIME--YOU MUST HAVE THE YOUNG ONES WHO CAN ACCEPT THE TRUTH THAT THEY CAN BRING FORTH THE GIFTS WE WILL SEND. WE CANNOT WAIT UNTIL ALL THE FUNDING IS IN PLACE TO BEGIN THESE THINGS--SUCH AS THESE WRITINGS--YOUR "TIME" IS TOO PRECIOUS AND EACH STEP MUST BE BASED UPON THE ONE BEFORE. 7.168 GOVERNMENTS IN PANIC. 7.169 The governments of the world are in panic but they make major effort not to show it unto you. They have set into motion things which they can no longer control. The "friendly" and beneficial bacteria and insect species are dying (being killed) at a most alarming and rapid rate, so that you will be exposed more and more to that which is detrimental to your physical life systems-strains of toxic forms from which you will have no buffer. 7.170 As you witness these things, it will be hard to see the decay and tribulations as it grows--but know, all is being made NEW. The old must go before the new can birth in fullness. 'Tis not your doom that draws nigh if you heed our warnings and take appropriate actions--'tis your very salvation being transformed from the ashes of the old and corrupt. 7.171 Therefore, you must share with your fellow-man that the catastrophes will most surely come (they will not be hummed or chanted away). But, tell them that they are your very salvation and rejoice, for it is the old passing away. 7.172 When man can release the old, then he shall glimpse a more glorious new. Those who cannot release the old will have to begin again at the beginning. They shall place their soul progression back several million years, for this is the golden opportunity of souls who have walked this path of Earth from onset of soul birthing--this is your graduation or failure day! Those who fail their final examinations will need come once again, through various forms of cave man through thousands of years, even millions, until they develop to this very stage once again and try for "passing of the bar" again. I CARE NOT WHETHER YOUR "LEARNED" PROFESSORS OF GREAT WISDOM BELIEVE IN PROGRESSION OR DO NOT--THIS IS THE WAY IT IS AND IF YOU CHOOSE NOT THIS PATH--YOU WILL FIND OUT AGAIN, THE HARD WAY! 7.173 A TIME OF SOUL EVOLVEMENT. 7.174 Do not consider this retrogression as it might appear. It is, as it were, retrogression of physical manifestation but progression from the standpoint of soul evolvement for in the Father's world within the Creation, there is no retrogression--only soul expansion. This, that each soul may grow worthy to pass through the ultimate certification. 7.175 Apply that which you have learned and give gladly that which you have received. As you travel and converse in the times ahead allotted for each one of you, think not what you shall take with you or what shall be in thy pocketbooks nor of what will you wear. You shall not have need of those things past the preparation and journey "through". In the final purpose, the Father will provide. 7.176 This is the time of giving, sharing and applying. It is not only the clarion call unto you, for verily you have accepted a trust and a most incredible mission, but likewise it is the order of the day as we all enter into this new phase for the Planet Earth, and indeed our whole Solar and Galactic System. We are your brothers from this particular system come to assist you for it is a great Cosmic event upon the stage of the universe. 7.177 Work, for the night comes shortly when no man can work! Work for the night comes too quickly!--literally and figuratively. 7.178 Man inquires: "We do not know what to believe. Some say catastrophe shall come upon us. They claim the end of the world is here. Others claim, 'be not afraid; through our own scientific developments--we who are masters of the creation--can do this or that and there are no space brothers to assist and those receivers are receiving from the Devil. '" MAN IS TERRIFIED AND HE IS SEEKING. HIS HEART IS HUNGRIER THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN BECAUSE HE FEELS THE CHANGES AND SEES THE HOPELESS PLIGHT GROW DAY BY DAY BEFORE HIS EYES. 7.179 Man "smells" his food and grows ever more hungry; this new vibration is coming forth, and he becomes ever more hungry. He is "remembering" and he innately knows that he is filled with appetite for things of Spirit in Truth; not just more lies and false prophets, psychics and card readers. 7.180 Therefore, when he is confused as he now is and says, "Brother, where shall I find the greatest meal which shall give me the most satisfaction for development of my spirit?" you shall say: "Yes, those who say catastrophe comes are true; they speak with truth; but the Earth is not prophesied 'to end'. It shall be renewed; the words written are that "There shall be a new heaven and a new Earth--THE OLD MADE NEW!" 7.181 So tell them the words with which your Elder Brother, Esu „Jesus' Sananda, wishes you to feed his flock. It is the way of the Father. Catastrophe comes so that man might learn from the experience. But only the great and beautiful and good shall be inherited from it. Out of it mankind shall arise phoenix-like unto his own golden glory. 7.182 TIME FOR EARTH TO COME HOME. 7.183 How often we look upon the Earth, knowing as we look upon each small and pitiful creation and creature, that here stands a god if he would only realize it and apply his godhood. For a true god sits not on a throne in inactivity while the masses come before him in adoration. This is not godhood as some on Earth obviously think it would (or should) be. Godhood is enthronement, yes, but a god of action who enters the being of each one of his creation; fills them with life and majesty and grandeur and works diligently beside each and everyone and serves humbly as thy servant. 7.184 God wishes man (man that He created) to rule over His celestial worlds. He wishes each man to take charge of His worlds--for this has He created them. Recognize that each one of your fellow-men that passes you during the routine of the day--recognize that he too bears that potential god-ness--he will either be in service of the "good" or in service to the "evil" intent with "full intent" blowing in the wind yet waiting to choose to which God he will give his homage. 7.185 Know now, that which will turn ones from you who cannot believe in such, but some day that one--each one--will come into his own inheritance and will command a planet, and then a system and then a galaxy. We are all either on that path or have achieved it and have returned to assist our younger brothers through their pathway. 7.186 The clarion call is: "Come home, Earth!" It is time for Earth to come home into her radiance for which she has labored long and hard. 7.187 Do not allow yourselves to become too weary from the routine of the day. Always keep the goal before you for your work is most imperative, lest your fellow-man not have opportunity to come into knowledge from which he can make wise choices. IT IS THE TIME OF CHOICES FOR THE HOUR-GLASS IS TRULY EMPTIED AND IT IS IN THE TURNING OVER TO BEGIN ANEW THE NEXT SEGMENT. 7.188 Know that this wondrous play is in perfection of directorship. Michael stands beside me and wishes to have brief input before we retire this segment of writing. Please receive of his presence. 7.189 MICHAEL SPEAKS. 7.190 Michael to thank you, beloved ones--I come to place my seal and benediction upon these words of Truth for ones will come forth, Dharma, that you will recognize but seldom entertain at the keyboard--we keep you in Light, chela. 7.191 You ones must always hold within your conscious minds that you are never alone, that it would be impossible for you to be alone. You are attached, for eternity, to the brotherhood of service. 7.192 The “golden ones” surround the Earth ever more as we all enter into the great transition. We are plunging deeper into that which shall be seeming destruction and yet it is the necessary "labor" to allow for the "birthing". It is just as each segment of existence is in preparation of the next and more important one; so it is as we move on together into this wondrous experience which is the ultimate of life itself. We, too, in all the higher realms are growing and sharing these experiences to the best of our abilities and so it is. May we all be worthy of the gifts given unto us by those who have gone before and gave so dearly for having passed the physical way. 7.193 In great love and peace I thank you and know that I am ever with you. 7.194 I AM MICHAEL 7.195 I TOO SHALL TAKE MY LEAVE, DHARMA, FOR THIS SEGMENT. MICHAEL SHALL RETURN FOR HIS PORTION OF THIS DOCUMENT. I PROBABLY SHALL NOT; BUT I WILL NOT BE GONE FROM YOUR VORTEX FOR WE JOIN TO GIVE FORTH THAT ENERGY AND CLARITY WHICH YOU CONSTANTLY PETITION. YOUR RECEIVING IS CLEAR AND WE GIVE HONOR TO YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. I FURTHER TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF PRESENCE TO HONOR EACH OF YOU WHO GIVE OF YOURSELVES IN SERVICE AND OVERWORK UNTO THIS MISSION. I BEND IN HUMBLE GRATITUDE IN THY SERVICE. 7.196 I AM SANAT KUMARA |
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