SANANDA (Jesus) Journal 2 - Chapter 19 |
We say we want to know the real truth - but then we find the Truth too confronting for us to handle. Why?
Perhaps because the Truth does not reinforce our existing beliefs ... we are reluctant to grasp the Truth! |
AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME JMMANUEL. I AM SANANDA. (also known as Jesus). (Refer Journal 7 Paragraph 7.21). BY SANANDA & JUDAS ISCARIOTH. Chapter NINETEEN 2.1068 Paragraph REC #1 ISCARIOTH/JMMANUEL SANANDA SAT., AUG. 12, 1989 7:00 A.M. YEAR 2, DAY 361 JUDAS IN CONCLUSION 2.1069 Greetings in Light. Judas present that we might continue and conclude this portion of the scrolls in transcription. 2.1070 This portion is ended here because of events which will be happening in a timely way and it is time the misconceptions regarding "Jesus Christ" be further set to print. It has been done prior to this but has been mostly discounted. Always you can judge the content of "truth" in a thing by how much effort and what kind of effort is thrust at its discounting. 2.1071 Other scripts were given voice in a country most distant from yours. They were, however, documented as in the primary pages indicated, by officers from Pleiades and are authentic, as are the labels of the officers involved. 2.1072 This is allowed today, that I might be in the clearing of my birthright on your planet at the time I walked in mortal form with you, Dharma, who walked with me as well. Many of us have been together many times in the service of truth; perhaps this final time we can get of it in proper format and truth with understanding. 2.1073 GOD'S PROMISE OF TRUTH IN THE LAST DAYS 2.1074 These truths come forth now in the last days that there be records and availability for naught will be changed as far as the prophecies are concerned; however, ones must have access to truth for it is the promise of God that man find, hear and seek truth. This, that he may judge his path as the final Earth cycle is closed. 2.1075 Other scribes and receivers will be putting to paper these same notations that each be kept in security. Honor those brave ones such as Eduard Billy Meier of Switzerland, who dared speak out that the path be opened. He has been sorely persecuted, ridiculed and harassed and ye ones are now coming forth to carry the banner that he find peace. You see, precious ones, the craft came and persons came from the craft, Billy was taken aboard with witness and still a world discounts. 2.1076 You are taken into council nightly, aboard craft and elsewhere but in silence that you not suffer those things. However, it is very near when ye shall be flooded with presence of craft and association with fleet personnel and these things must be documented--first. So it is done, the portion required. The Master Jmmanuel Sananda is to make his appearance unto you very soon now and the written word must be made available. 2.1077 THOSE LAST YEARS IN INDIA 2.1078 Those things that happened in India in those ancient days of two thousand years ago are not the level of importance as is that which we have just given unto you. 2.1079 People do not wish their "God" to have been a physical flesh and blood man who might have done of Earthly things. Well, he was and did. He publicly married and had several children. I travelled with him into our old, old age. I passed from your plane in about my ninetieth year, the Master Jmmanuel in well above his one hundredth year. 2.1080 After leaving the area around Judea and travelling into India, we continued to travel the width and breadth of those countries in that geographic location. He spent much time in North India with myself, his mother, Mary, and his brother, Thomas. We were caused to be in flight most of the time for Jmmanuel was considered to be a revolutionary. 2.1081 It was in the north near the last of the mountains of the Himalayan Mountains in the western area known today as West Pakistan, that Mary became severely ill and passed from this plane. Jmmanuel was in his last years of his third decade at that time. Mary was a wondrous person and Thomas had reached his accountability and was a fine man. 2.1082 After the death of Mary we moved on and passed into Cashmere and we travelled long in what you now refer to as Afghanistan and West Pakistan. About a dozen Israeli tribes had migrated from Israel and settled in that location. 2.1083 Jmmanuel put his family roots in Srinagar, in Cashmere, India and all his travels since that time were to and from that place. Jmmanuel was buried in Srinagar when his life human journey ended. I too was laid to death near that place. 2.1084 Jmmanuel's first born son, Joseph, continued to write Jmmanuel's story after my passing and left India only after Jmmanuel's passing. He, too, travelled about the lands for several years but then returned to his father's land and settled in Jerusalem for his remaining life span. Joseph tended the scrolls after my death and added his portions. As he grew elderly he sought a safe place for their keeping and subsequently buried them within Jmmanuel's tomb where he originally was lain. These artifacts were discovered at the direct instructions of ones from these realms. 2.1085 PREPARING NOW FOR HIS RETURN 2.1086 Much blood has been spilled in the name of this Glorious and Wondrous Jmmanuel and it is to be before this cycle ends that it shall be vindicated. Jmmanuel Esu, the one you erroneously call Jesus Christ shall be vindicated from attachment to such actions for his teachings were never such. He cares not what you call his person; he cares greatly what ye attribute unto his person. 2.1087 This beloved one has grown into his full stature in the heavenly lineage and has attained his inheritance and patrimony; his oneness with God, Aton, and his rightful place of purity within The Creation as Creator. He is soon returning unto your planet that he might fulfill his commission and thus are we preparing the way for that coming. Ye have been sent before him that these things in these days be completed and set to order. Oh, blessed ones, ye shall be soon given the proof for which ye plead for the hour glass is all but run through. 2.1088 Ye had to grow in these passing years for things of Earth must pass as things of Earth, without force or coercion and in Earth manner. Ye will prevail for, precious ones, it is so written and as it is written within The Creation, so shall it come to pass in thy perceived reality for all is a thought of Creation and Creator. 2.1089 JOY, GRATITUDE, HONOR AND RESPECT 2.1090 My joy at our communion is abundant--unlimited, indeed. This week of sharing has been indeed a journey's "end" and ye are greatly blessed beyond that which ye yet comprehend. All of you who serve in this tiny segment are of the most beloved and honored. Oh, but great shall be the rewards of that service. 2.1091 My gratitude is also expressed herein, to Commander Hatonn of Pleiades Fleet Command of the Intergalactic Federation Fleet and Council, Commanders Asket and Semjase who cleared the path prior to this expression in this format by mine own being. 2.1092 Above all ones, I give my honor and infinite respect and love unto Jmmanuel (Jesus) Esu, who is now known in his attained stature by Father Creator and within The Creation by the highest name; SANANDA. 2.1093 MAY THESE WORDS BE TAKEN INTO THE EYES AND EARS OF RECEIVERS AS THE TRUTH THEY ARE. FOR IT WILL BE THE WAY OF TRUTH THAT MAN WILL EITHER SURVIVE OR PERISH, FOR HIS DAYS ARE SHORT UPON THY PLACE OF EARTH. UPON THESE WRITINGS I PLACE MINE SEAL AND I HEREBY RELEASE THE BURDEN OF THE LIE UPON MINE NAME FOR LO, THESE TWO MILLENNIUM. 2.1094 I AM THAT I AM, JUDAS ISCARIOTH ****** 2.1095 SANANDA IN CONCLUSION 2.1096 I AM SANANDA, THAT I MIGHT SPEAK. I ALSO PLACE MINE SEAL UPON THESE WRITINGS THAT HAVE BEEN SCRIBED IN LOVE AND TRUTH. YE ONES CARRY THY BURDENS SO HEAVILY AND BLESSED ONES, I WOULD TAKE A PORTION FROM YOU FOR I CAN DO SO. SCENES MUST, HOWEVER, BE PLAYED OUT TO THE ENDING UPON THE SCREEN OF LIFE THAT EACH MAY ATTAIN FULFILLMENT OF SOUL PURPOSE AND PERFECTION. ALL THINGS IN THY JOURNEY PATH ALLOW THE GROWTH AND AS YOU REACH THY "GRADUATION" YOU CAN STAND PLEASED WITH THY PROGRESS IF YE HAVE LEARNED TRUTH AND BALANCE WITH AND WITHIN THE CREATION AND CAMPAIGNED EVER TOWARD PERFECTION IN THY GOD SELF AND UNTO THAT TOTAL PERFECTION. 2.1097 THERE ARE ONES UPON YOUR PLACE THAT I GIVE INFINITE RESPECT AND DEDICATION FOR LIFELONG AND UNWAVERING SERVICE. THEIR NAMES MUST REST WITH ME, HOWEVER, FOR THEY ARE NOT YET SAFE FROM HARM IN THY LANDS, NOR WILL I PLACE OF THEIR LOVED ONES IN JEOPARDY. SO BE IT FOR YE MUST ALWAYS PROTECT OF THY BRETHREN. AS WE MOVE EVER CLOSER TO THE CLOSING PAGES, THE SLINGS AND ARROWS OF THINE EVIL ENEMIES WILL BECOME CONSTANT AND DEADLY. YE WILL, HOWEVER, BE GETTING HIGHER REINFORCEMENTS VERY SOON. HOLD THY COURSE FOR I CAPTAIN THIS SHIP AND I KNOW UNTO WHICH HARBOR IS SAFE. 2.1098 I AM HUMBLE IN THE SERVICE OF MY FATHER, MY GOD, MY GOD SELF, AND MY ONENESS WITHIN CREATION; I AM MOST HUMBLE IN MY SERVICE UNTO YOU, MY BROTHERS WHO YET WALK THE ROUGH PATH. I AM EVER BESIDE YOU. SO BE IT AND SELAH. 2.1099 FIND THY PEACE AND BALANCE WITHIN AND HOLD UNTO IT. 2.1100 IN THE BEAUTY AND THE GLORY OF CREATION WITH WHICH I AM ONE 2.1101 I AM OF GOD, I AM THAT I AM, I AM SANANDA 2.1102 9:16 A.M., SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1989, YEAR 2, DAY 361 END COMMUNIQUE DHARMA OUT BLESSINGS UNTO YE ONES, I AM SANANDA JMMANUEL |
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