Creator God Aton - Nebadon Universe |
Just a brief article from Creator God Aton - amazing details about the Nebadon Universe from its Creator.
The explanation is in simple, clear to understand terms. Aton has responsibilities way above what we expected so it is important to learn what you can for His Role in Creation of Earth and humans is paramount. Yes He (God) does has a name and we all need to learn more about Aton - who was once like us ... yet after 66,000 re-incarnations became "One with the Creator Source". |
This article will take your breathe away ... once you comprehend the magnitude of Aton's role you will be in awe and desire to learn as much as you can.
We need to turn our lives around and pray for guidance from God. You will be eager to read all you can ... for this is about our Creator God ... it is Truth. |
ATON: I AM WHO I AM. I AM CREATOR GOD ATON OF THE LIGHTED REALMS, AND ONE WITH CREATION Who am I? I am the GOD OF LIGHT, who has created this Nebadon Universe in which you live. Of the 178,000,000 life-supporting planets in this Universe, there are many that are infinitesimally larger that your tiny planet on which you live. Patrick wrote an article about the Universe in which you live. I have asked that those comments be printed below for an explanation of the immense Cosmos in which you live. To give a good example, the planet on which you live could be compared to a great beach of sand with Earth representing one grain of sand on the beach. QUOTE: Edited by Patrick NOTE: Astronomers today lack much Truth about the Cosmos, its structure and functioning, and especially concerning The Milky Way Galaxy. This galaxy is not a galaxy at all, but is the Seventh Super Universe, or one-seventh of the entire Cosmos. According to Creator God Aton, the Cosmos, which encompasses all the celestial bodies in the Heavens, has a structure like a giant wheel with seven spokes. Each section of the wheel is a Super Universe, of which the seventh one is our so-called Milky Way Galaxy. Each Super Universe is made up of many galaxies, universes, and solar systems. Our planet, Shan, lies within the Apsu Solar System, within the Nebadon Universes within in the Orvanton “Milky Way” Super Universe. Astronomers today have difficulty looking out from our little speck called Earth Shan to visualize correctly the immensity and structure of the Cosmos, as evidenced in this article. End of Quote ![]() ****************************** ![]() ****************************** ![]() ****************************** ![]() ****************************** ****************************** NGC 1499: The California Nebula Credit & Copyright: for each of the 4 above photos to Markus Noller (Deep Sky Images) ****************************** Do you get the picture? Even though his tiny little planet called Earth is just a speck in this great Cosmos, she is still a gem that I created 4.5 billion years ago. She was created as the most beautiful planet in the entire Universe. My little beauty has endured centuries of abuse by 3D humans including those of Satan and his minions. It is sad what has been done to smear her beauty to the point where such negativity flows from her to disturb the ENTIRE Universe. You see, all is ONE. Everything is connected. That means that I have given each souled being a God Spirit within to be connected to ME. However, that flame must be fanned to grow into a great God Spirit within to become one with Me, Creator God and all of Creation the highest one over all there is. You all have been given the Way to live your life to bring that Fire within to be a great spiritual being. What do I see? I see my Truth flung to the dung pile of heresy. What is my Truth? It is all around you in the Creation I have made. It was, also, given to you in the form of a Journal. There are 241 of them. Have you, also, thrown this Truth in the trash? Just remember, you are a soul learning lessons in a physical body. When this physical body wears out, you again must judge yourself how well you learned your lessons. If not, you take on another physical body and continue without memory of who you really are and keep on going to school. I grieve over the fact that of this present civilization of 3D humans on my little planet are still in kindergarten. With your great knowledge you have created great structure and great book, and all there is, but you left out what is most important. Your soul growth. Some of you have delved into the evil acts of Satanism. Others are blindly trying just to find food to eat. Ones have searched for Truth in Satan’s Warbook, the Bible, or flooded the false churches to seek the truth. I gave Truth to you to read and learn. I have done all that I can without intervening with your freewill. All I can do is help you when you ask. I can tell you to read those Journals but it is up to you. The Law of Cause and Effect is eternal. That is, you shall reap what you sow. You are responsible for YOU and the growth of your Great God Spirit within. You, also, are to care with great love the environment in which you live, including all the plant and animal life. That is why you are learning lessons in a physical body. You all have had thousands of years of reincarnations to learn, not just one, as you have been falsely taught. How well have you learned, or are you still asleep? My words may sound harsh, but I love all of you so dearly! My little speck of Earth is ready to clothe her body with glory and honor for she has learned her lessons and has endured millennia of abuse with 20,000 civilizations upon her that never learned the real Truth to let her graduate. I commend the tiny group of Sananda’s Flock who have come to the Truth and held the Light high for not only their graduation but also Mother Earth. ALL of you that are still sleeping are most welcome to come through that wonderful door-way of Truth, for it is still open … but not very long, as Earth’s graduation is at hand. SALU ATON OF LIGHT |
We hope you found the above article interesting to read particularly the comments about ... 1. the Earth being like a single grain of sand on a massive beach of sand ... and 2. of the 178,000,000 life-supporting planets in this Universe, there are many that are infinitesimally larger the tiny planet (Earth) on which we live. Hopefully it has given you some extra courage so you know you are NOT ALONE and that we should not try and "limit God in any way". Pray for guidance for yourself and others so that additional lifetimes as a human can be avoided. Sadly we are so busy on Earth with so many wasting so much time watching TV when we should be spending more time on learning about how to save our Soul and be with Creator God. Acknowledgement for this article to the wonderful Mr Patrick Bellringer and his wife Anne with Editorial Comments by Mr Michael White. |
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