Picture of a Dove


We say we want to know the real truth - but then we find the Truth too confronting for us to handle. Why?
Perhaps because the Truth does not reinforce our existing beliefs ... we are reluctant to grasp the Truth!
This article may be very confronting to many readers ...
we beg you to read and pray for guidance from God.

Surprisingly you will be advised to keep reading and to start believing what you read ... it is Truth.
Sadly mankind has been given lies for far too long - it is time to awake and to know the Truth about God and Life.
Truth in a Nutshell - is a short overview of facts that very few are aware of - but the facts are very accurate.

Editorial comments - January 18, 2021
(As you read the following – we ask that you keep an open mind –
(put aside your past beliefs - ask “the God inside of you” to guide you
(as knowing the real truth is for the benefit of your soul’s growth.
(Perhaps you might like to say the following as a prayer …
Dear God, as you know I am trying to improve myself and be pleasing in your eyes.
I understand I am about to read material ...
that might be different from what I current believe to be the Truth. I need YOUR GUIDANCE ... for me.

Please help me to discern the real Truth ...
as you would have me believe ... is a Truth from you ,,, for the betterment of my Soul.

This is a really interesting article you should read.
It is only a short read, but it will remain in your heart.

Since the beginning of human existence on our planet Earth, Satan, who represents the dark forces of evil, and his puppets have twisted and hidden Truth.

Many Truthbringers have been killed and their writings have been deliberately distorted to give people disinformation and lies.

All knowledge such as history, science, and religion have been altered to conceal Truth.
The "holy books" given as guides to mankind have especially been altered to hide Truth.

This was done deliberately so we would break the Laws of God by freely choosing evil over good.
Our soul growth would be stopped and Satan would win, because he now controlled our free-will.

Truth is now being brought again to Earth's people this one last time, and time is now very short (as you will soon learn and personally experience).

Some people have sincerely prayed to the One true God of Light, Aton, for help.
God Aton (Creator God) has honored those petitions and has sent the "Hosts of Heaven" to help us.
(Additional Editor Comments: some might be concerned about the use of the name Aton to describe God … but what is in a name?
I am sure God does not care one little bit what you call him as long as it is respectful (just as you would not be offended if someone got your name wrong)
You can even use a name you feel more comfortable using.

The Hosts of Heaven are our cosmic brothers and sisters from Pleiades, and from Sirius and other star systems of the Cosmos.

Some people call them angels, even though they are HU-man (Higher Universal-man) and look like us. Others call them aliens.

These cosmic humans are from 5th and higher dimensions or heaven.
We of Earth are of third dimension.

Those from the 5th Dimension have higher frequencies than we do, have greater technology, and are part of the Heavenly Realms.
There is no evil in 5th and higher dimensions, thus, they come in love and light.

They have come to bring us Truth one more time before the end of this last third dimensional civilization on our Earth.

The Pleiadians are from the star-group known as the "Seven Sisters" or the Pleiades, and other Brothers and Sisters of Light are presently orbiting our Earth in their starships. Some of them have been here since the 1930's in their starships and on the Earth in human form.

Their starships appear in the night sky as flashing or twinkling stars.
Many of these ships have strobing rainbow colored lights and appear as flashing red, blue, gold, green, and white lights. They can be easily seen on a clear, dark night to the naked eye.

If you are wondering about the existence of such starships … that is only normal because such things have been hidden from the masses - the peoples of the world - our world Earth.

This is just part of the BIG LIE to rob humans of the Truth and greatness of God.

Please do not let yourself be guilt of “limiting the power of God” – just look into the sky – look on the NASA.gov website – look at the phases of the Moon – look at the tides of the sea – look at all the wonder and majesty of life – it is not by chance.

In Journal 7 Paragraph 55 it states
Journal available FREE – yes at NO COST from

You are told, extra-terrestrials must be of evil--







This message of Truth that the Hosts of God Aton bring to us today is simple, yet very upsetting to many people as they discover the "lie" of Satan.

I shall state this message as concisely as possible -- the “Truth in a Nutshell".

You live on a planet we call "Earth".
This word "earth" is a generic term for "planet".

The universe contains many "earths", each with a cosmic name.
The Cosmic name for our earth is "Shan", meaning the planet of tears, so the Heavenly Realms refer to our earth as Earth Shan.

We sometimes call our earth, "Mother Earth".
The cosmic name which means "mother earth" is Gaia.
Our Gaia or Mother Earth is really a living sentient being.

As a mother, our Earth contains life and energy frequencies.
She births us, nourishes us, and sustains our life.

We, the people on Earth-Shan, have been tricked into believing lies and misinformation about every aspect of our existence.

We have been told the lie that God Aton (Creator God) is a God of wrath and judgment.

God Aton is the God of Light and Love.
God created us in His image (HU-man), [Higher-Universal man] with a free-will to choose our pathway of either good or evil.

We have been told the lie that God Aton (Creator God) lives in "heaven", and that He sits on His throne and rules and judges the world.

The Truth is that God Aton (Creator God) lives within each of His creations.

He lives within us as our God Spirit.
Our physical body is His temple.

By free-will choice our thoughts can become God Aton’s thoughts.
We have the mind of God Aton within.

We have God Aton’s power within.
Thus, we have the power to mind-create as God Aton mind-creates!

This is Truth, and our God Spirit within us knows this Truth, for our God Spirit knows all Truth.

Our pathway of soul progression is like a giant spiral.

To move at all along our pathway is to move either upward or downward.
Because life is dynamic, that is ever changing, we never stand still.
We are always moving upward into the Light or downward into the Darkness.

With God Aton there is no middle ground.
We are either living on the side of goodness
or on the side of evil,
... of soul perfection or ... of soul regression.

We have been told that reincarnation is untrue.
This statement is part of Satan's "lie".

Esu Immanuel (known by most as Sananda and Jesus) taught reincarnation to his disciples.

He taught that the purpose of human life on this planet is to provide experiences through which we are to perfect our soul.

Over many lifestreams we continue with our lessons in soul perfection until, through our freewill choices, we have learned to choose good over evil.

Our goal is to learn to live the Laws of God and the Laws of Creation in balance and harmony and to become One with God Aton, our Creator, again.

In 323 A.D. the Second Council of Nicea was held by the church fathers to alter the "scriptures" for their evil intent.
At that time, for example, they removed all of the teachings of Esu Immanuel (known by most as Sananda and Jesus) concerning reincarnation and any specific reference to starships from the "holy bible".

Reincarnation, aliens or off-world humans, and cosmic travel by starship are facts that were removed from the early writings.

Another lie is that we are not really responsible for the evil we have done, because "God will save us".

The Lie says that God will forgive us because he sacrificed His Son on some cross somewhere to pay for our sins to avenge God's wrath.

Does a God of Love deliberately allow His Son to be killed, as a sacrifice for a lot of very evil people?
Of course not!

The basic Law of the Cosmos,
the Law of Cause and Effect or the Law of Return states that there is a cause and an effect for all that happens.

Stated in another way the Law of Returns says that you shall reap what you sow.

This means that everyone is responsible for their choices and actions, and will be held accountable for their results.
These Satanic cult lies would have us believe otherwise - it is just NOT the truth.

The Truth is that we all are responsible for our choices between good and evil.

We are held responsible for breaking any of the Laws of God Aton (Creator God) and of Creation.

There is no one who will "make it right" for us but ourselves
"we alone are responsible" for ALL OUR ACTIONS.
No one is going to "save" us from our sins or transgressions - agree it makes sense!
We are held personally responsible for every Cosmic Law we break.

The Truth is that Esu Immanuel (known by most as Sananda and Jesus) came as a Truthbringer, the son of Archangel Gabriel.
We are all equal "sons and daughters" of God.

He did not die as reported, but survived the murder attempt (crucifixion) against him by the Khazarian Zionist Jews (Pharisees).

He fled to India, married, had a family, travelled widely, and taught Truth until his death in Kashmir at the age of 107 years.
Esu/Sananda/Jesus ...
did not come to save anyone.
He brought the Laws of God and ...
...the Laws of Creation again to Earth's people.

God does not judge us.
We judge ourselves according to those Laws.

God does not save us.
We save ourselves by living according to the Laws of God and Creation.
Makes sense you will have to agree.

At the end of each of our lifestreams ...
we again stand alone before God Aton
and (in integrity and truth) we judge ourselves
concerning our soul growth and soul perfection.

Such is the love and fairness of God -
you had better believe this fact else you will
"nash your teeth" in regret and
be reminded of your rejection of the truth.

We then determine where we shall go for our next lifestream of lessons.

Another lie told to us by Satan and his followers is that there will be a "rapture", that Esu Immanuel would return in the clouds at the end of the age and sweep up the "faithful" into "heaven" in some magical way.

Esu never taught this.
In fact,
the word "rapture" is not even found in the "bible"!
It is the disciple, Paul, and others who distorted Esu’s teachings years later.

Esu did say that he would return at the end of this civilization after 2000 years of study. He would be given a new name, (SANANDA) he would be victorious over Satan, and the Kingdom of Heaven would be established on Earth Shan at that time, as she (Earth Shan) made her transition into the fifth dimension.
We have lots of news about this transition from 3D to 5D and you "owe it to yourself to hear what we can tell you" for it is SO IMPORTANT TO KNOW.

Esu’s real name was Esu Immanuel. (by Gabriel).
Immanuel means "God with us".
The name, "Jesus Christ", which means "the anointed one", which denotes deity was assigned to him years later by his enemies.

Esu Immanuel has been given a new name by the Heavenly Realms (as he said would happen).
This name is “Sananda”, which means "One with God".

Esu (Jesus) Immanuel Sananda has returned to Earth-Shan and is now waiting for Creator God Aton’s orders to announce the establishment of Creator God Aton’s Kingdom of Heaven on Earth Shan in 5th Dimension.

Sananda travels the way all celestial beings travel, by Starship.
He is presently aboard the command ship, The Phoenix, awaiting his orders from Creator God Aton.

Other lies we have been told are that the life of Earth-Shan, our "Mother Earth", goes on indefinitely, and that mankind began life on this planet with Adam and Eve.

The Truth of our human history on this planet goes back 206 million years.

Earth-Shan, within the Milky Way Galaxy, completes one "great orbit" around the "Greatest Central Sun", the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, every 206 million years.

Earth-Shan completed its twenty-second "great orbit" on August 17, 1987. At the beginning of our last "great orbit" (206 million years ago) humans were placed on Earth-Shan.

Past civilizations have had an average length of 10,000 to 12,000 years; therefore, many civilizations have existed on our Earth prior to our present one.
The Truth is that "Adam and Eve" date back only 10,000 to 12,000 years.

Earth humans were given one "great cycle" (206 million years) to learn and follow the Laws of God Aton and of Creation to achieve soul perfection, and thus to bring our civilization into total harmony and balance with the Laws of Creator God Aton and Creation.

This was never achieved because humans, with the exercising of their freewill, did not learn to properly choose between good and evil.
They chose not to follow God Aton’s Laws and the Laws of Creation.
In fact,
Satan and his evil followers re-wrote those laws and deliberately twisted the Truth to trick everyone.
(Editorial Comments:
We ask that you keep an open mind – put aside your past beliefs – ask “the God inside of you” to guide you in knowing the real truth for the benefit of your soul’s growth).

Earth Shan, as a celestial body, has now earned the cosmic right to move into a higher dimension. This process began at the end of the last "great orbit" or on August 17, 1987.

Earth Shan is now going through a cleansing process of earth changes to remove all the human-caused pollution and negative energies residing upon her.
Cosmic law states that no evil is allowed beyond fourth dimension.

Because Earth-Shan now is moving into fifth (5th) dimension, all evil must be removed from her.
At some point soon everyone must leave this planet!

Are you ready ... do you know how it happens ... what will you, your family and friend do ...

how can you guide them ...

This is precisely why our Pleiadian brothers and sisters have come at this time, and this is why Sananda has returned. They bring Truth.

Those of us who are enlightened to Truth and are living the Laws of God and Creation will be evacuated to safety.
Some will go with our planet into fifth dimension (Heaven on Earth).

Those who chose not to listen to Truth, but to wait for their "fake rapture" to occur, will be recycled back to another 3D dark planet through reincarnation.
There, they will continue in their soul perfection at the various levels where they left off in this lifestream.

Others will go back into the cave-man era to start over again.
They will have many planets from which to choose for their next lessons, as there are more than 178 billion life-supporting planets within our Milky Way Galaxy alone.

Creator God Aton did decreed, …
one more time Truth would go out to the fourwinds.
One last time Truth would be brought to everyone on Earth Shan.

This is now happening!

Truth is now being given freely one more time to everyone on Earth Shan.

Please consider,
however up to you - Creator God did not decree …
that you had to listen to Truth, read Truth or believe Truth.

With your own freewill, you must choose.

With your own God Spirit within, you will know, you must decide for yourself – will you remain in sleep or will you determine to investigate and learn the truth for yourself and your future.

This is now your opportunity to choose, for this is Truth being presented to you in this writing.
Just pray and ask Creator God for help.

Creator God Aton, the Hosts of Heaven and Space Command give no guarantee that if you do not listen now, you will be presented the Truth ever again in this lifestream. May you choose wisely.

We are fast approaching “the end of the age”, the end of our Earth’s last civilization in third (3rd) dimension and the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment for fifth (5th) dimension.

Earth Shan, as a sentient being, has asked, and Creator God Aton has decreed that this present 3D civilization is the last one for our planet.

Earth shall go through her normal cleansing via earth changes and be restored to her original pristine condition in the higher frequencies of fifth dimension (5D), where no evil exists.
[Editor Comments:
Please refer 005-The Photon Belt
[Article on this website for further information]

This is Truth. Whether you choose to accept what is written here as Truth is your decision.
We cannot convince you of anything.

Only through your God Spirit within can you know Truth.
If you sincerely seek Truth,
Creator God Aton has promised that you shall find it.
Truth is freedom of the soul.
Truth is total joy in being and knowing.
We urge you to ponder this most carefully.

* * * * *

Editorial comments
It took me some considerable time (and indeed much questioning and searching) to be convinced that the above was in fact the real truth.

You can expect to go through a similar process, but pray and pray for guidance and an understanding of the Truth.

Our conditioning (schools and religions) have made it so difficult for us to accept any change but we each owe it to ourselves to find truth.]

Really what does it benefit a Creator God of Love to punish you in eternal everlasting fires of hell?
Specially for those little misdemeanours during a one time life-time!

Makes far more sense that a loving Creator Source of all good things like Universes and Planets wanting each of us to succeed in our life, wherein God even lets us judge ourselves (in integrity and truth) such that if we say we have failed then God allows us to try life again.

Pray for guidance for yourself and others as additional lifetimes as a human can be avoided.

Sadly we are so busy on Earth with so many wasting so much time watching TV when we should be spending more time on learning about how to save our Soul and be with Creator God.

Acknowledgement for this article to the wonderful
Mr Patrick Bellringer and his wife Anne
with Editorial Comments by Mr Michael White.

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