Picture of a Dove


We say we want to know the real truth - but then we find the Truth too confronting for us to handle. Why?
Perhaps because the Truth does not reinforce our existing beliefs ... we are reluctant to grasp the Truth!
This article is a brief message received from Sananda ...
Sananda is also known as Jesus - who - just like you can have several names!
We beg you to read and pray for guidance from God.

Surprisingly you will be advised to keep reading and to start believing what you read ... it is Truth.
Sadly mankind has been given lies for far too long
it is time to awake and to know the Truth about God and Life.
This is a special short message that Sananda (Jesus) wishes to be passed to Lightworkers
living on Earth during these difficult times - 22 March 2021.

Editorial comments - 22 March, 2021
(As you read the following – we ask that you keep an open mind –
(put aside your past beliefs - ask “the God inside of you” to guide you
(as knowing the real truth is for the benefit of your soul’s growth.
(Perhaps you might like to say the following as a prayer …

Dear God, as you know I am trying to improve myself and be pleasing in your eyes.
I understand I am about to read material ...
that might be different from what I current believe to be the Truth.
I need YOUR GUIDANCE ... for me.

Please help me to discern the real Truth ...
as you would have me believe ... is a Truth from you ... for the betterment of my Soul.

This is a really interesting article you should read.
It is only a short read, but it will remain in your heart.

I greet all my Flock of enlightened ones and all souled ones upon Earth this 22nd Earth day in March, 2021.

Since Earth is supporting for the last time a 3D civilization, life upon a third dimensional planet is based on space and linear time. You measure each day by seconds, minutes and hours.

In the Lighted Realms there is no “time” or space. However, when we communicate with you upon Earth, we do so in 3D perspective.

When I say “soon” about Mother Earth turning, I am giving the message according to 3D time, not eternity of the Lighted Realms, as that is not understood by 3D people. Remember the old saying, “A thousand years is like a day in eternity?”

I see in my Flock of enlightened ones some discouragement and frustration that nothing good is happening. The world is getting worse and the one person that has made a real difference has been fraudulently thrown out of office and replaced by the Satanists/Socialists/Communists.

Food prices are soaring, gas prices are skyrocketing and executive orders are flying by taking down all the goodness that has been put in place.

Now I tell you that what you see happening for good is like a tiny tip of a huge iceberg. You look at this “tip” you see and think it is just a small chunk of floating ice. You did not realize that the greatest portion of that tiny piece of ice hides what is beneath the surface, for there is a tremendous iceberg below you can’t see.

Do you get the point? Great things are happening of which you are not aware nor told, for if all these plans were to surface for everyone to seek the Darkside would have all the ammunition to destroy those plans. As it is now, "The Spiritual Man" has great plans of which are NOT known by anyone except a very few and when the great plan comes forth like a tremendous iceberg roaring to the surface of the ocean, so shall be these plans to come forth and obliterate the evil.

To speak in 3D time, the great “BOOM” shall be very soon and unannounced. You do know that at this time the Tribunals are proceeding at a steady pace. Those Satanists are trembling in their boots, for they do not know when (not if) they shall hear that ominous knock on their door. It’s called death.

On the other hand, those of you, who are awakened and have found the Truth, have you relaxed your learning? Have you said to yourself, “Well, I made it to the ships! Now I can sit back in my easy chair and rest a while, do what I want.”

I say to all of you again that the evil darts never ever stop each moment of the day, for if they see one teeny, tiny, miniscule moment when they can attack the Lightworkers, they shall do so. How do you throw off these subtle attacks?

You keep reading and above all meditate with the Lighted Realms.
Do not relax one moment on your journey to home, and to know that I am here to take your hand when the going gets rough.

Mother Earth is holding at this point, even though she is at the last point of tipping over on her axis.

We are on Red Alert, knowing that this tipping event could happen any time. However, you are to take each earth day that has been given to you to gird up your enlightenment with more reading and meditating and helping others when asked.

No one can do it for you, for you are the one to see that you do your part and we will help when needed .

So, pick yourself up and carry on, knowing that you can reach the top of that mountain with all the help that we of the Lighted Realms can do, but it shall be your course and you that shall be victorious.

Lo, I am with you always!


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Editorial comments

Esu Jesus Immanuel did say that he would return at the end of this civilization after 2000 years of study. He would be given a new name, (SANANDA) he would be victorious over Satan, and the Kingdom of Heaven would be established on Earth Shan at that time, as she (Earth Shan) made her transition into the fifth dimension.
We have lots of news about this transition from 3D to 5D and you "owe it to yourself to hear what we can tell you" for it is SO IMPORTANT TO KNOW.

Esu’s real name was Esu Immanuel. (by Gabriel).
Immanuel means "God with us".

The name, "Jesus Christ", which means "the anointed one", which denotes deity was assigned to Esu Immanual years later by his enemies as they mocked the man born as Esu Immanual.

Esu Immanuel has been given a new name ...
by the Heavenly Realms (as he said would happen).
That name “Sananda”, means "One with God".

When I first became aware of these "new spiritual truths", I was very reluctant and slow to change my ideas and beliefs. I prayed a lot and asked for spiritual guidance - as I did not want to make a mistake.

It took me some considerable time (and indeed much questioning and searching) to be convinced that the above was in fact the real truth.

You can expect to go through a similar process, but pray and pray for guidance and an understanding of the Truth.

Our conditioning (schools and religions) have made it so difficult for us to accept any change but we each owe it to ourselves to find truth.

I recall asking ...

Really what does it benefit a Creator God of Love to punish you in eternal everlasting fires of hell?
Specially for those little misdemeanours during a one time life-time!

Makes far more sense that a loving Creator Source of all good things like Universes and Planets wanting each of us to succeed in our life, wherein God even lets us judge ourselves (in integrity and truth) such that if we say we have failed then God allows us to try life again.

Pray for guidance for yourself and others so that additional lifetimes as a human can be avoided.

Sadly we are so busy on Earth with so many wasting so much time watching TV when we should be spending more time on learning about how to save our Soul and be with Creator God.
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Acknowledgement for this article to the wonderful
Mr Patrick Bellringer and his wife Anne
with Editorial Comments by Mr Michael White.

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