Picture of a Dove

Patrick - end times in 3D

Just a brief note from Patrick - so we can know we Lightworkers are NOT ALONE
Patricks message is in simple, clear to understand terms.
Patrick has recently passed (died) and he is now responsible for the evacuation of Earth.
Those who knew Patrick before he passed always knew he was a very special Spiritual Soul.
This article will bring a better understand to people ... to know why ...
we need to turn our lives around and pray for guidance from God.

You will be advised to keep reading and to start believing what you read ... it is Truth.

Greetings Dear Lightworkers

NOTE: All the articles I post from Patrick are by his suggestion in messages I still receive from him.
His goal is still to present Truth to the world from his writings.
This timely message is no exception, for it has much meaning to those, who seek the Truth.
Anne (Patrick's Earth wife when he was with us).


Greeting Dear Lightworkers


One more time I write to present Truth to the world.

I write NOT to the human clones, who have no soul.
I write NOT to those, who have given their soul over to Satan, the King of Evil.

I urgently write to those souled-beings, who are day-dreaming in their world of things, or who are spiritually asleep in their fake world of religion, or those floating in La-La Land with no direction or meaningful purpose in their 3D journey in these closing days of this planet’s third dimensional civilization.

Yes, I said “closing days”,
and yes, I have a message for all those Earth Shan dwellers , who are in spiritual Zombie-land.

You are going to miss your life boat! Time has run out!
Creator God is closing the Book of Life for Shan’s people, and has ordered the starships to full alert for evacuation of “Sananda’s flock!

Are you ready?” Is your name listed in the Book of Life?
Have you truly lived to the best of your ability The Laws of God and Creation?
Indeed, are you one of “Sananda’s Flock”?

No, you are not, because you have never been taught God’s Laws for Living.
Your parents did not teach you because your grandparents did not teach your parents.

The Laws were gradually forgotten and erased from memory, as man’s laws have replaced them.

So, today you live in a spiritual Zombie-land and are heading to the great Wheel of Reincarnation again, and to another 3D lifestream of pain and suffering to learn your lessons.
What lessons, you ask? Living The Laws of God and Creation are your lessons, my friend.

You may disagree, but Creator God’s Laws are absolute, and you shall honor them and live them to graduate out of this third dimensional illusion.

Yes, I said “illusion”, for we live in the physical holodeck of 3D to gain soul growth.
The illusions of things, money, social status and power are just that, illusions.
They vanish when you step out of the holodeck at death and into the real world of Spirit.

Would you choose another 3D holodeck experience, again and again?

Wake up! Time has run out. Your God Spirit, your Soul, the real you, that spark of Light from Creator God Aton of Light, that part of Aton’s heart that is you, is crying to be free of this very evil world, forever.
Will you listen to your God Spirit within, to your heart, to your “gut feelings” and discern Truth?

Will you leave the illusion of things, money, social status and power, yes, even that of sickness and poverty, and enter the real world of Spirit?

The alarm clock is ringing, the one you set to wake you up. Do you remember? You have overslept!

The Starships are ready! Their Red Alert signs are flashing.
The bells are ringing, and I am ringing my bell to wake you up!

Can you hear? Will you awaken to Truth before it is too late?

Choose Light, my friend! Choose Love! Choose Life! Do it now!
The evacuation Starships are waiting, but not for long!

Happily we can report that Patrick sent another message on August 2, 2021

AUGUST 2, 2021

It has been one year ago that I left my physical body and graduated to the Lighted Realms.
It has been the most momentous year that I can ever remember.

Little did I realize as a physical human that I was the Commander of the entire Heavenly Forces of Light.

It wasn’t until I passed on that I realized ...
the experiences all of us have in the physical is exactly the opposite of who we really are in the Heavenly Realms.

These are the lessons of walking in another’S boots, so to speak.

I can say that this year has been extremely busy, and I have had little rest.
We of the Lighted Realms do not require a lot of sleep, but do take a little time to re-cooperate.

First of all, I wanted to tell my earth children how proud I am of all of you.

You have been the focus of those aboard ship as every day they tune in like watching Days of Our Lives.

They cheer at your soul accomplishments, and weep with you in your sadness.
I tell all of you how much I love you.

As for Anne, I am very happy she has kept Our Web Site on the Internet with the help of Flint, for the continued presentation of the Journals is needed.

I appreciate Anne for posting my articles and my message to the world, and pray that it may help even one person on their soul pathway.

My work here started with a bang.
We of the Light fought battle after battle with the demons that attacked us, and all the starships.
It went on for weeks upon weeks. Some of you would call it the Battle of Armageddon.

Then some of the Lightworkers made a great Petition of cleansing.
You can read that today again in Sananda’s message.

As you know, the Lighted Realms cannot clean up the Earth mess, as we operate under non-intervention.

It was that some Lightworkers realized their great God Spirit within and realized they were the ones they were seeking to help.

I know each one of you dearly, but will not reveal any names at this time.
The clean-up was done and is still being done with these Lightworkers, and the great help of Sananda and the Lighted Realms.

What does that have to do with me?

It is Hatonn, Arch Angel Michael and I that have to deal with all the billions of souls locked on to Earth that have now been taken to the Light.

Each soul has to be helped to be placed at the level to either graduate or continue on with their soul growth.

We are inundated, but we are taking care of each of these blessed souls, who have been tied to Earth and have repeated over and over a cycle of dread and anguish for an untold amount of time.
They are free.
How has this happened? The Lightworkers to whom I refer made a grand petition for Mother Earth.

Because we operate under non intervention, we cannot clean up Earth, but can help.
These Lightworkers realized they are the ones they seek.
With that in mind, Sananda and the Lighted Realms have helped answer this great and wonderful petition.

The Lightworkers had to experience this clean up.
Their victorious actions with Sananda’s help have resulted in billions of representatives to seek out where and who helped their planet get rid of the Satanian Empire.

It shall be a momentous time when "Lift Off" occurs for all Lightworkers, as there is a great and mighty banquet prepared where these delegates can meet the Lightworkers. When?

The days and hours are numbered.

Stay focused, you Lightworkers, for lessons do continue until the very end.

My love to all, and especially to my family.

then another message on
AUGUST 6, 2021

I cannot tell you how excited I am waiting to see my Earth family again. The year with the Lighted Realms has seemed like a short time, for I have been inundated with tasks at hand.

When I first arrived, I did have a respite of time when Sananda showed me all the planets and their people.

Now, I cannot wait until the great banquet that is being prepared for the Lightworkers when they arrive board ship.

Most of all, I am so proud of my children and Anne, and can hardly wait to see them again.

At the present time and past several weeks I have, with the help of Michael and Hatonn, taken care of those souls that were sent to the Light, and have roamed in cycles on Earth for millennia.
There were untold thousands upon thousands of souls that had roamed Earth for centuries, many of who did not realize they were dead.
Each one had to be placed at the proper level of soul growth or will have gained graduation.

There are still some souls and animals that need to be taken to the Light. That shall be the last mission.

There is always hope for more souls slumbering in the Lie of the Satanian Empire, even though that Empire has been uncreated.

I almost cannot bear the agony of those souls realizing the Truth was all around them and given to them, and they ignored it.
However, as Sananda said, they shall continue on their path to the Light and in some future lifestream will come to the Light. There is always hope.

This time around though, the path will be longer, as that was the agreement before any soul returned by their own freewill to Earth this last 3D civilization.

The great banquet hall is open and those delegates that have come from far distant worlds and universes are arriving, so you know that the time for the return of the Lightworkers is at hand.

What a great LIFE awaits all of you Lightworkers.

You shall greet your loved ones, then the banquet, and from there you shall have a rest before the real work begins.

What a great life is ahead of you!
Lessons do continue in the Lighted Realms, but it is not influenced by the evil energies.



Happily we can report that Patrick sent several other messages during August 2021

August 9, 2021


I write this piece to Sananda’s flock. Who are they?, you ask.

Sananda’s flock are all those, who have found the Truth of The Laws of God and Creation from whatever source and are living these Laws to the best of their ability.

These dear people have learned to live the four great virtues in their lives: of wisdom, bravery, fortitude, and generosity, and are anticipating evacuation and graduation into fifth dimension, as the reward for work well done and the completion of their mission on (Earth) Shan.

So, my sisters and brothers, with little fanfare or acknowledgement we have passed another very important Cosmic date.

On August 17, 2012 we began the New Year of Year 26 in Cosmic time. The New Count began at the point of the Harmonic Convergence on August 17, 1987, the point at which both the Pleiadian Cycle and the Great Orbit returned to their zero point at the exact same time.

Our solar system orbits around Alcyone, the Central Sun of Pleiades, every 26,000 years, which orbit is called the Pleiadian Cycle.

The Milky Way Galaxy, which is not a galaxy at all but the Seventh Super Universe of the Cosmos, orbits around The Greatest Central sun every 206 million years, which is called the Great Orbit.

At the time of the Harmonic Convergence of August 17, 1987 Hatonn made an agreement with the Lightworkers (Sananda’s flock) to hold the Light of Truth for a period of twenty-five years to allow time for Truth to go out one last time to the “four corners of Shan”, so many would awaken from their spiritual sleep, and for lessons to be learned in soul growth.

The Lightworkers have stood faithful to their mission. Some have fallen, some have passed on to the Astral Plane, but others have arisen to take their place.

For these twenty-five years the Light of Truth has held the Darkside at bay. They have not won their New World Order of one religion, one military and one money system, as they had planned.

The Darkness has not won on Shan! Having completed these twenty-five years, the Lightworkers now pass the “torch” back to Creator God Aton of Light (Hatonn). The “ball” is now in His court.

Time has run out for this last third dimensional civilization on our planet. She is in her transition into the higher energies of fifth dimension at this time, and it is Hatonn’s call, when planetary evacuation shall occur.

In a communication on August 22, 2012 Anne received the following message from Hatonn. Hatonn is the Commander of the Fleet and is the physical form of Creator God Aton of Light) - refer to the early Editorial Comments for a more complete explanation (appears on Menu Page).


Hatonn: I do have some news for you.

The Lightworkers have kept their promise and have held the Light for the last 34 year period starting August 17, 1987.

We of the Lighted Hosts are very pleased, especially since the Phoenix Journals have gone worldwide and many have come unto enlightenment through them.

They are the Heavenly Books of the Lighted Realms. Anne and Patrick, over the years have received hundreds of letters thanking them for putting the Journals on the Internet. Oh, the articles that Anne now posts are worthy, also, revealing the Darkside’s intent, and that nothing can be hid anymore.

We are at the stage of evacuation and Mother Earth has “had it”. We are at the end of this civilization.

The whole world is crumbling under the weight of the evil minions left since Satan and his evil demons have been uncreated. They carry on as they have been taught to keep with wars, killing and not allow any change in the monetary system. The earthquakes are increasing, getting more violent and the rumblings of the volcanoes are continuing at an unabated pace.

Do I sound pessimistic? No, because the agreement of the Lightworkers was to hold the Light, and this they have done, especially you ones. There are still some souled beings, who are finding enlightenment, so we continue for a few more days.

It is up to Mother Earth when she will finally tip, but the movement back and forth on her axis gets greater each day, so the tipping will come very suddenly, without any warning. She is now at the very edge before she tips. That is why we told you in Journal #5 that we have 15 minutes to evacuate, starting with the children, and Sananda’s flock.
(Editor Comments - Journal 5 can be obtained for reading or FREE DOWNLOAD on the Menu Page)

I am not pessimistic, only Truthful. I am not saddened by the evil, only waiting just like Mother Earth to rid these ones off this planet, so they can continue their lifestreams elsewhere, or, as I have said before ... go POOF!
Yes, POOF! You know what that means … clones.
{End of Quote]

So, in spite of the ever increasing Darkness and chaos on our beloved planet, as Lightworkers, we ALL never quit! We never give up!
We hold high the Light of Truth to the very last moment of time, knowing full well we have all the help of the Realms of Light to do so.
Through our fortitude may many yet be guided to the Red Road of Truth! Aho!

Then on 11 August, 2021 we are lucky enough to have another lovely message!

I go by the name Patrick, as it is familiar to you upon Earth, and to my loving wife, Anne. To my children I am “dad”.

I do wish to explain further about the Lighted Realms.

This may surprise many of you, but my children are all great Masters, and Arch Angels that volunteered to be my children when I reincarnated on Earth.

Each of these great souls have a husband or wife and children in the Lighted Realms.
You, also, have brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins!

As for Anne, she not only was my Earth wife, but my Lighted Realms’ wife as well, and we have spent many, many lifestreams together with our children.

Some lifestreams we were in different roles. We were the husband, the wife the children, but we are like a group of souls that have had many lifestreams together.

There are other ones whom I will not name that have been great friends with us on Earth. These, too, are part of this soul group that have been together in other lifestreams.

I shall not reveal at this time the many lifestreams I have had on Earth, but I will reveal that Anne and I have five children in the Lighted Realms.

I am a member of the Council of Light, as are two of my Lighted Realms children. I cannot reveal about my children about, who they are in the Lighted Realms, and how great they are.

Many of you ones on Earth are the same with a wife or husband waiting for you, as do your children. I can tell you that many of you Lightworkers are very great old souls with many lifestreams behind you.

You cannot remember all of who you were, but that will come when you graduate to the higher Realms.

When one reincarnates on Earth they alone must choose the lifestream and what lessons need to be learned.
Many times one reincarnates to an Earth person that is the exact opposite of who you are in the Lighted Realms. You learn to walk in the “shoes” to learn lessons.

I will give an example.
For instance there could be a returned Master that has a fear of heights. He shakes all over when looking down from a mountain top. Why?

Perhaps in a former life he fell from a cliff and was greatly injured or was killed. You see, there are bits and pieces that repeat in your earth life from your lifestreams.

Also, a great note is this: You can call in the help of all the good things from your former life- streams to help you in any given situation. This is truth.

While on Earth, as a husband and father, I was told in my meditation some of my former lifestreams.

I instantly new they were true as I had a connection with these ones. You see, we have been all, the good the bad and the ugly. We have been the victim and the victimizer.

In my last lifestreams I was against the killing by the military and the death of so many people. Why? I found out that in the Realms of Light I was totally different, but had to learn that earth lesson.

I found out when I graduated that the first words I heard from Gabriel was “The great one has arrived!”

What? Did I hear right?

I was called that, as I am the Commander of the Forces of Light.

I thought back about my aversion to the military, but I did learn that many of the earth military are fine people with a mission of good.

There are great leaders that have shown compassion, dedication and helpfulness.

I also found out that my heavenly name is not Patrick, but a different one.

Many of you Lightworkers have a great heavenly name, as well. I will give you a clue about me. If you can figure this clue out, good luck! My heavenly name is ---e--a-c—t-.

Ho ho! I still have a sense of humor.

May all of you fulfill all your lessons, for Mother Earth is ready to graduate.

I give no time nor date only that it is soon, according to Earth time. Only Mother Earth knows that date.

The best thing you can do, you Lightworkers ... is to clear yourself often and pray for healing of Mother Earth and all the great Cosmos.

So another important message for your Earth August 16, 2021

I have asked Anne to write a message from me today, as it is of great importance to all Lightworkers at this ending time. Why do I say this?

It is because the lessons are getting much, much harder before the end when the Lightworkers are taken home to the Lighted Realms.

It is so easy to be focused on 3D living with all the things you would like to have in your possession. Note that I said “things” for they are of no consequence to your future. Future?

Yes! Your future in the Lighted Realms.

I did not say that you should not spend your time and money. I said that you do not need to focus on the possession things but to focus on your soul growth. That is what is the most important thing for you at this time.

I remember that both Anne and I would say to each other that we do not have all we WANT, but we have all we NEED. Be thankful for what you have and focus more on feeding your soul with the proper food it needs to survive and grow in the materialistic world in which you live at this time.

Your life on Planet Earth is for your soul growth with lessons that you have set for yourself. You must be wise in the choices you make. Sananda said long ago “be wise as a serpent and innocent as a dove”.

You are a soul, an eternal spirit having a physical experience to learn soul growth. It is like being on a holodeck. You feel, see, hear, learn, and everything is very real to you. You make choices to learn soul growth. The problem arises when your focus is on getting things and not taking care of your soul within.

When your physical body dies, where do you want to be?

Your soul is eternal and you judge yourself where you need to be to learn more lessons.

If your soul has grown enough you graduate to the Higher Realms.
If not, you determine what 3D life you have next to keep on learning your lessons, and always without memory of who you really are.

Are we of the Lighted Realms any different? NO!
All of us have had thousands of 3D lifestreams to learn our lessons such as you.

My message to all Lightworkers is this:
Stay focused and steady with your soul growth. Make wise decisions for yourself, even if they are contrary to what others want you to do. You are in charge of your life and what lessons you need to learn.

You have all the help that Heaven allows, and we will protect you from any harm if you but ask.

We cannot do your lessons for you, but we can help if you but call upon us. You can do it! You can become a great and mighty warrior of Light if you want, for that is the prize you should seek which is far more valuable that all the gold in the world.

Remember, when you pass on out of this physical life you take NOTHING of physical life with you … NOTHING!

It is your soul that you take and you shall judge yourself how well you have lived to make your soul grow in might and honor to graduate.

Even then, soul growth continues, but it never as hard as the school room in which you live at this time. Lessons in the Lighted Realms are filled with glory and honor.

Arch Angel Michael said that he, too, had spent thousands of lifestreams IN 3D to grow his soul growth to who he is today. You can do the same. AHO!

So a few more additional comments to the Lightworkers that is most important to emphasis at this ending time for Mother Earth.

The Lighted Realms keep track of all Lightworkers and help them when they ask for help. We cannot do anything for you, but we can do all WITH you, if you but ask for help.

I hear the Lightworkers asking when, when, when is Mother Earth going to turn and we can be lifted off? When? When? Why isn’t she graduating? She is at the last degree before tipping.

I shall tell you why, for it may surprise you. For WHAT is she waiting? She is waiting for YOU!

She waits for you to learn these very last most difficult lessons! Mother Earth wants to graduate. She has been cleansed and is once more a beautiful blue planet and wants to turn on her axis and graduate, but she WAITS for you to learn these last lessons.

Only YOU know what about your last lessons. Here is a guide for you. We shall protect you if you ask. The great Cohans are ready at a moments notice. They are El Morya, Lanto, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Paul the Venetian, Lady Nada, and Germain. included are Aton/Hatonn, Sananda, and Creator Source. I, also, can advise you. All of us are here for you at a moment’s notice.

Here is some advice for you Lightworkers.

1. Have you mentally and etherically let go of the materialistic “things” you want, because you think they will make you happy?

2. Remember, all 3D life on earth is to be wiped away when she turns over. EVERYTHING.

3. You are living in an ILLUSION. You are on a “holodeck” to learn lessons.

4. You are an eternal SOUL. Your soul is living in a “fleshy envelope” to learn lessons. You all have had many, if not thousands of “envelopes” over many years.

5. Have you kept up feeding your soul? By that I mean reading, mediation and asking for our help. Have you made taking care of your soul your primary objective?

6. Do not wallow in material things to make you happy. Great happiness is when you are spiritual aligned with the Lighted Realms. You are in the world but not of it.

7. Remember you have ALL YOU NEED, but maybe not all you WANT. Be thankful to the Lighted Realms. Be thankful for your home and have food to eat.

8. Most of all be thankful you have all the help Heaven can allow. Keep connected by reading those heavenly guides and listen to the Lighted Realms in your heart. Some Lightworkers can actually hear our voice, and others know by their inner feeling and intuition. We speak any way possible to let you hear our call.

9. Be loving and kind to those with whom you live.

I know that these last lessons are hard, but you can learn these quickly and with confidence. I am not trying to be harsh or mean, but to tell you like it is. The Lighted Realms love all of you most dearly and it their greatest desire that you will learn quickly and come home where you belong.



We hope you found the above article interesting to read. Refer Journal 4 for more information.

Hopefully it has given you some extra courage so you know you are NOT ALONE.

Pray for guidance for yourself and others so that additional lifetimes as a human can be avoided.

Sadly we are so busy on Earth with so many wasting so much time watching TV when we should be spending more time on learning about how to save our Soul and be with Creator God.

What hit me as very sad was the comment that
I almost cannot bear the agony of those souls realizing the Truth was all around them and given to them, and they ignored it.
However, as Sananda said, they shall continue on their path to the Light and in some future lifestream will come to the Light. There is always hope.

End Quote

We must do all we can to help others recognize the "Real Truth" about God so please refer all you know to this Website and its articles
his final message in line 6 of his "9 points to remember" ... is a lovely way for us to conclude this article
6. Do not wallow in material things to make you happy. Great happiness is when you are spiritual aligned with the Lighted Realms. You are in the world but not of it.
End Quote
* * * * *

Acknowledgement for this article to the wonderful
Mr Patrick Bellringer and his wife Anne
with Editorial Comments by Mr Michael White.

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