Picture of a Dove

Editorial Comments -
Do you really know who you are as a Human?
Have you really made an effort?
Do you just go to Church - or read a book?

If that is all you do ...
what a shock you will get when you die!

Most of us just "go to school to learn" then some go on to University
then it is "learn on the job".

More Important ... we need to consider what happens once we die
Did you know YOU are a Lightworker ... so what does that mean?
Unless you have devoted some years of study ... and by that I mean not just reading the Bible or going to Church you are NOT AWARE of what is in store for you (when you die) and it is completely not what you expect!
This is an opportunity for you to gain clarity in a very real and meaningful way.

We especially ask that you promise yourself that ... no matter what ... especially if you disagree with the printed words ... you will read right through to the very end ... before you decide to cast judgement and
even then you will pray for guidance BEFORE YOU CAST YOUR JUDGEMENT for this will bring a total new way of understanding for so many good people who really do wish to only know the truth.

Please pray and request even more guidance ... for you will be
advised to keep reading and to start believing what you read ... it is Truth.
The reality of being a human

1 July 2021
For almost anyone, the Bible and similar writing, are just like your "early school primer" ... an introduction to the magnificence of God!

Depending upon our Religious Beliefs ... there are certain precepts that you will relate with
yet do those beliefs relate to the REAL LIVING GOD

When I was growing up I learned that different people had different beliefs ... yet they all believed in God

My parents taught that "it was not wise to talk about Religion or Politics" - so I WILL OBEY THEIR ADVICE especially as I wish you to relate with my following statements
however, there is no denying that we need to review some of these matters.

For example, "are we on Earth", the only living inhabitants created by God out of the zillions of Planets known to mankind today now in 2021?

According to Livio, he says that NASA promotes that the Hubble Spacecraft reveals an estimated 100 Billion Galaxies in the Universe but this number is likely to increase to about 200 Billion as telescope technology in space improves.

That inside each of these billions of Galaxies, each consists of billions of stars, as in this small view. XDF (2012) view.

Each light speck is a galaxy, some of which are at least as old as 13.2 billion years – the observable universe is estimated to contain 200 billion to two trillion galaxies.

The Planck space observatory claims the Universe to be approximately 13.8 Billion years old and it is estimated that the radius of the observable universe is therefore estimated to be about 46.5 billion light-years and its diameter about 28.5 gigaparsecs (93 billion light-years) yet scientists are aware there is still much more to find.

We live in one of the arms of a large spiral galaxy called the Milky Way. The Sun and its planets (including Earth) lie in this quiet part of the galaxy, about half way out from the centre. 100,000 light years to cross from one side to the other.

So if this is just how BIG the Universe is ... How BIG and SPECIAL IS ITS CREATOR - whom we call GOD yet to be more correct we should call "CREATOR SOURCE". (For the moment we shall use both terms to assist with comprehension).

Now the question has to be what and who is God ... what keeps God busy, what are God's needs etc.

Over the years God (Creator Source) has revealed much to people as they become more Spiritual - and it is all very consistent.

We need to be very aware that just because "we do not see or understand ... we should not limit God and God's abilities". Creator Source is unlimited in the ability to achieve anything.

For example, just because we cannot see "magnetism" or "gravity" does not mean they are not there or do not exist ... for we know they do and we can measure the effect of magnetism and gravity.

Clearly over time Creator Source has created Angels (some of whom have rebelled against God) but Creator Source has also created Mankind whom God says are made in God's image - more details later.

The whole scenario is so wonderful yet mankind is almost just not aware of Creator Source's Plan because we are too busy with our human life to take the time to study and review where and how "we are so much a part of that Plan".

Now you can easily image that if God wants something done God would want it done well and to God's standards else God will not be happy with whomever fails to live-up to that standard.

Now despite what some Books teach ... God is NOT REVENGEFUL for as "our Creator" God understands our flaws and so we are permitted many failures until we get it perfected ... and God has plenty of time for us to get it right.

When we are in Spirit Form (before we come into a Human Body) we live in Love and Integrity (as a Spirit) ... yet once we take Human Form we transgress and behave in a manner unbecoming.

In the initial plan, all lifeforms were intended to live in integrity, however once we disobeyed or transgressed, we needed to correct those errors by living without transgression.

God rightly made Rules (which we call Commandments) that applies to ALL OF GOD'S CREATIONS - we call those who are "not of earth" by the name "aliens" and "extra-terrestrials" - yet they (including all plants and animals) also must follow those Rules which ensure a correct and suitable behaviour for all creations. Otherwise there would be chaos in all of creation.

Now here is where it all gets very exciting and this is where all those "earthling primer books" are left in the dark because they do not tell us the exciting opportunities that we humans are entitled to benefit from Creator Source's kindness.

For Creator Source is of "absolute total true love" and wishes to fully share all the benefits with those who have "proved they are worthy". Here we need to be aware that our RE-INCARNATION is a REALITY. We do not just "live once then die" - there is so much more to know and experience.

Once we die and are no longer living as a Human, we do continue to exist as a Spirit.

As a deceased human, our Spirit is permitted by Creator Source to "judge ourselves in integrity and truth (under supervision)" on how we performed in following the Laws of God and Creation - God has 18 Laws or Rules - and no matter whether we might like to say there are only 10 Laws - at that time (when we are deceased) we follow Creator Source's Laws and are judged according to those 18 Laws/Rules/Commandments.

The good news is ... most people leading a good lifestyle ... do if fact follow and pass the 18 Commandments yet because we are then in complete integrity (meaning absolute honesty) we are ashamed of some of our actions and ask that we be given another human life opportunity so we can live through the same test ... "and get it right this time".

Obviously we all have many failures in our attempt to be as perfect as we would wish to be as humans.
In reality we live so many life-times (re-incarnation) in an attempt to become perfect.

Hopefully we continue to improved with each life, however the reality is being human we fail many times, yet eventually if God is part of our life we improve and improve.

The long term intent, is for us to "BECOME PERFECT".

When we reach the "PERFECTION" (after many thousand attempts) God is absolutely thrilled at you and allocates various tasks for you to perform. This is what happened to the person most know as Jesus but who was born and named Jmmanuel.

He lived his life being called by the name the Angel Gabriel said "you shall call him Jmmanuel".
After his death he became known as Jesus (chiefly on those who mocked him) yet Creator Source (God) calls him Sananda. Naturally he had different names for each life and just like you can have several names (during your current life now) any name is "incidental to whom anyone is" in any lifetime.

If you lived say 100 Lifetimes then it would clearly mean you might have at least 100 different names.
So really "what is in a name?" Certainly not an important issue to get too hung-up about!
Meaning despite what-ever name is used - you are still the same Spirit, and known by God as that Spirit.

So let us consider all the many Billions of Trillions of Planets - what of them - Creator Source is too busy creating even more Galaxies and their Billions of Planets - then ... NOW HERE IS THE AMAZING PART.

When YOU as a SPIRIT GRADUATE ... who has successfully lived a life in the PERFECTION that Creator Source requires, you are very much living as does Creator Source - in Truth, Love and Integrity.

Creator Source is thrilled with you and appreciates that you (as a Spirit) have overcome so much during your many lifetimes as a human.

Being of absolute TRUE LOVE ... Creator source bestows the Greatest Honor on you - for you have achieved the Highest Goal intended for you to become ... to be "ONE with CREATOR SOURCE" ... so in the truest of senses "You become ONE WITH CREATOR SOURCE"

Indeed Creator Source knows you are reliable enough to be trusted to assist manage other Spirits (including those in human form).

Effectively you become a God in your own right with the full blessing of Creator Source - this is what happened with Jmmenuel whom we also refer to as Sananda and Jesus.

So what is in a name ...
once your have become perfect and living in the ESSENCE of SPIRIT and ONE WITH CREATOR SOURCE.

It is only a small minded earthly person who would wish to argue and debate this issue, yet we respect their immediate reaction and possible rejection of the above statement.

If that is your concerns,
we respect your concerns for we were also of the same initial reaction (being one of horror at the idea of anyone being called a God) - for we were taught we were a sinner.

Now the good news is we have all been deliberately led astray from Creator Source by the very evil leader who wishes to turn away from the real true source of Love and Truth ... and the best source to help establish the real Truth is to PRAY and PRAY for guidance.

We are extremely confident you will shortly recognize the Real Truth is different from what you believed before your read/hear these words and know in your heart that God will be pleased with you for your genuine concerns to know the real truth.

Creator Source (God) who knows our every thought ...
will appreciate you have believed what you have believed out of a genuine desire to pay the greatest respect to God ... and that these statements are even abhorrent and wrong to you at this time, however
genuinely pray for guidance from God and in time you will come to understand the Truth.

Over time you will appreciate that Creator Source is indeed far greater that we might ever have possibly envisaged, however we must each do our bit and genuinely pray for guidance and not just lightly reject these statements.

Creator Source is LOVE and welcomes all who have proved themselves ... yet it is not an easy task to reach this state of "PERFECTION"

The Lighted Realm Journals (also known as the Phoenix Journals) contain a wealth of information (more accurate that these brief writings from me).
The Journals are far more accurate than the PRIMER books we learned from yesterday in our early learning days.

Remember, God promised that he would reveal more truths in these "last days".

Know that the Journals contain TRUTH that is important for our eventual path home to living in integrity with Creator Source and other successful Spirits whom are living with God powers and abilities.

Unfortunately, the deal is when we are on Earth we give up our knowledge of Past Lives and experiences and we get too involved in the need to make money and attracted to other life issues.

It matters not if we are rich or poor, or famous or not.
Perhaps a simply lifestyle is desirable for we would not get attracted to being famous as a teacher, tennis player or coach etc.

That fame comes at a price on our behaviour and probably explains why some monks who have realized the importance to become "one with Source" chose to live in remote areas so they are not distracted by lifestyle.

Now please remember,
that your/our life is all about ... "SOUL GROWTH" ... so this is what we/you need to concentrate on.

OK yes you do need to still live your lives as a human, but you also MUST SPEND TIME thinking (which is effectively praying) about your SPIRITUAL LESSONS.

In the early days of Creation, there was little soul growth because there was no other choice, just all good.

As Ashtar (very experienced Spiritual Teacher) explained so well, the human was given a soul, a part of the Creator Source.
Later on the human was given a "freewill choice" to live as he wished.
Into each soul was put a spark of good and a spark of the dark.

The fallen Angel Lucifer (also known as Satan) and his band of fallen Angels were sent out of 5D (Heavenly Spirit status) and visited many planets causing havoc and eventually destruction. Clearly this displeased Creator Source.

It was agreed their group would be required to be kept in a single location as their jail planet.
Satan noted the beauty of Planet Earth and stated that he would agree to be confined to Mother Earth as his jail planet.

Now this raises several issues such as
(1) why allow evil in any form and
(2) if they have destroyed other planets, what will they do to the new jail planet they chose?

Firstly, "why allow evil?"
Creator Source must have decided in his wisdom to permit evil to exist for it allows souls to chose between never ending or very slow soul progress, or else,
an ability to have esculated soul growth because souls chose good over evil.

Secondly, they chose that they wanted to live on Mother Earth.

Satan saw the beauty of Mother Earth and gloated within to destroy her, as he had done to countless other planets. Satan has been forbidden to destroy Earth.
When we look at the environmental and pollution damages to waterways, oceans, soils, forests, landscape and air etc we are reminded of the depletions of minerals, oil, gas that mankind has been made to rely upon whereas there were Free Energies that have been restricted and taken away from mankind by Governments.
Certainly you must feel some sense of desperation and frustration at these issues and wonder if they are not indeed breaking their undertaking to not destroy Earth.

Anyway moving on ...
Each human has a spark of good and a spark of bad from which to choose.
By choosing the good, the flame of Creation can grow within to help turn you into a mighty Soul.

The same is true of choosing the side of the Dark Brotherhood, or Lucifer(Satan) and his fallen Angels.

Creator Source made it so that a soul lives a lifestream in a physical body (as a human) that would die and that soul would return only to reincarnate into another physical body to continue on with soul growth. (How long it takes to return back has not been disclosed - that we have discovered as yet).

Each human has the choice to follow either ... good or bad.
Each human has to live without memory of who that soul was in the various lifestreams, and that is because we are living on a low frequency 3D planet.

It would take many lifestreams to develop to the level of perfection which the Spirit wishes to be.

If the soul chose the path of light, its spark of good (or its God Spirit) would grow and become a great flame for goodness and soul growth.

Remember, in each lifestream the human would start just where it left off in the last lifetime.
If, during the souls lifestream, it chose the Light, it would continue on that pathway.
The same is true for the DB’s path.
There is no in between.

This means when one comes out of the age of being a child, certain experiences commence to occur.

These experiences will not be exactly the same as last time, however will be similar so that a learning pattern will be continued for each Soul.
During each lifestream the soul would either be climbing up in Light or going down the ladder to evil.

For thousands of civilizations, Creator Source has waited and watched the soul growth to find ones, who would grow greatly in soul growth by choosing the Red Road of Light. (Red Road of Light is just an ancient expression that means the "Right Path").

Hardly anyone could be found.
The best of the best of angelic ones were sent to teach and show the way, but still so few listened. Perhaps that is just like NOW ... are you being receptive to receive and follow these changes?

Lucifer, now called Satan, is the ultimate of evil, and his fallen Angels work hard at tempting humans to choose their evil ways of lifestyle.
They present with an easy lifestyle with an appealing yet undisciplined lifestyle and, also, present degrading things that would turn the souled one completely to their evil wishes which are completely against the Laws of Creator Source - God and Creation.

Many souled ones sadly kept choosing lifestream after lifestream living the way of their ego and pay no regard for the fact that there is a God that deserve to be respected and followed.
Sadly many get trapped into becoming like Satan, wanting to be the controller, who seem to believe they could be a so-called god among gods and rule everyone and everything.

Many of these humans partake in the most vile of actions to please their master, Satan, and live their lives becoming even more evil. They have no intention to turn this life around and need our prayers to realize there is a God and that they need to follow the Laws of God and Creation.

Mother Earth tried so hard to graduate from 3D to a higher dimension (5D) where no evil could exist.
There were not enough souled ones, who had sufficient soul growth to help her. Alas, Mother Earth previously has failed two times.

Civilization after civilization passed but those, who chose the Light were few and had not yet grown to the point in their soul growth to realize their great God Spirt power for good within.

Alas! Creator source finally had to do something!

The Dark Brotherhood (DB’s) were instructed to come back to the Light, and were given 25 years until 2012 to do so. Did it happen? NO!

The time came and they had become more evil!

However, earlier those who had chosen the ways of evil, learned from Lucifer/Satan ways to clone people to continue the growth of evil.
Also, other species of humans came to live on Earth that could change shape to look like a human to fool everyone.
Many of these chose the Dark Brotherhood, as well.

Planet Earth became very dark with evil, and her frequencies of evil disturbed the entire Cosmos.

We of the Lighted Realm remember all the times ones cried out to God to SAVE Earth!

Clean up this mess!
The reply they received was a big NO!
You made the mess, YOU clean it up.
The Lighted Realm can help if you ask, but we will not do it for you ... we cannot in accordance with the Laws of Cause and Effect.

Creator Source/God chose to give the humans on Earth the Guide to great living and to know and live the great Laws of God and Creation.

That is exactly what has happened.

The Guide Books, which we know as the Lighted Realm Journals (also known as the Phoenix Journals) were given to set the record straight.

Did it work? Were there souled ones to listen?

There were a very few out of the now dense human population that awoke from their slumber, to become great Lightworkers.
All was not lost.

These souled ones became a flock of believers who realized the greatness of their God Spirit within.

These believers prayed for guidance and were satisfied that the evil ones had contaminated their "holy books" over the years and this confuses many souls into believing their deliberate lies and errors and as the saying goes "if you hear it enough you believe it". So unfortunately, people believe these false stories.

As a consequence so many good people who wanted to do the right thing became very confused about what to believe - if you have read down to here you must be part of that group of good special souls that are at last commencing to question what is the Real Truth. We pray for your understanding and trust as God brings you into knowing the Real Truth.

Creator Source is overjoyed when any Lightworker finds their true self and start to reach the point of soul growth to help themselves, Mother Earth and her people, and especially when they realize they can ask for the help of the Lighted Realms (with its many enlightened Spirits).

Thanks to the Lightworkers.
Mother Earth has become a blue planet again, and clean-up is still in process.

The Lightworkers must keep praying for the continued healing of all people, and of everything on Earth, including all the 5 elements: Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and Love.

There is healing that must continue to be done and with your help, it can be completed.

Creator Source awaits for Mother Earth to graduate, and that time is still her choice.
All indications are that it is very very soon.

My great thanks to all, who have helped with their prayers and petitions for Mother Earth and her people.

Satan is gone but he taught his human minions well, and they act still as if he were here.

So, keep up your prayers for healing of all, for that is the final cleansing needed.

***** 631

Now it is appropriate to look in closer detail at how we can better understand what happens as we achieve Soul Growth yet first we need to appreciate that we are all Souls of Creator Source with our essence of Creator Source (hence made in the image of).

Just as plants (and all of nature) must adhere to the Laws of Creation - please recall that plants grow and produce seeds then die over time so why would we not be similar in following the Laws of Creation - both plants and Spirits are re-incarnated.

When you consider what does Creator Source gain by condemning our soul to a supposed "everlasting fires of hell for all eternity" when the alternative is "go back and keep going back until you wake-up and live correctly". It is so very easy to believe what a "God of Love" would chose for Souls. Re-incarnation, of course!

This is exactly what occurs ... whether we like to admit it or not - after all it is Creator Source and not us that make the Rules. We are living in/under Creator Source's rules or Commandments, so if we are wise we had better follow the Rules/Commandments.

Let us now review things around Jmmanuel (also known as Jesus and Sananda)
Perhaps of greatest importance is the statement that "you can only get to the Father through me" so what was meant by that statement?
Clearly it meant that earthly features such as money, fame and wealth were not required attributes to get you to what we refer to as Heaven - indeed these attributes would appear to be going in the wrong directions unless that person was doing a lot to assist others in need, yet the greatest need is to "know the truth about how to achieve our soul's growth".

We all need to maintain a certain dignity so living in poverty is not ideal for we need to manage our health, housing (and family where appropriate) yet so many of us believe money is a curse whereas the issue should be there is nothing wrong with money as we can assist others in need whereas so many are fooled into keeping so much money for themselves and ignoring those in need.

Fame is also often associated with "ego" and when that occurs we need to realize that there might be an imbalance of lifestyle yet used to assist others might be beneficial. Where do you consider your efforts are best spent?

It is important we take time out of our day to talk with Creator Source / God and of course all the many Spirits who are eager to assist us improve our Soul Growth.

Talking to any Spirit is as easy as just "thinking" and you can expect their response to just "come into your mind" - with practice you get more confidence that it really is a response and not you making up a response.

In order to be clear, we add that praying can be either speaking, whispering, writing and thinking and a response is usually by way of thoughts and feelings rather than a voice or personal visit by an Angel.

If unsure of a response pray about the authenticity of the message and its source. Every request requires an answer in accordance with the Law of Cause and Effect, however sometimes we lack the ability to receive the answer so that just means we need more practice.
It might be important to include here ... the Spirits are only allowed to assist with Spiritual issues so no point asking for Lottery Numbers or Horse Number/Name/Form.

There are many discrepancies in the Bible where some important issues/events are sadly not accurate - much of this is because good people have altered the words in an attempt to make it more appealing, however events are of paramount importance.

An example is the "Wise Men followed the star". If you watch stars and saw one move (firstly it might be a sattelite) but it would hardly be able to let you know whether to turn left or right at a fork in the road.
The Lighted Realm Journals tell us "Wise Men followed the Starship". In todays modern experiences it makes far more sense that a helicopter (except for its engine noise) or Starship can move slow enough to assist with directions such as turn left or right.

Another example is "who betrayed Jmmanuel/Jesus" - yes it was a person named Judas but Judas Ischarioth is NOT THAT BETRAYER (actually Judas Ischarioth was instead Jmmanuel/Jesus closest and trusted friend). The betrayer was in fact Juda Iharioth. Full details can be found in Journal 2.405

So was Jmmanual/Jesus "special". Yes he was very special and in fact was well on his way to becoming "one with Creator Source" so you will enjoy that section as it is coming up shortly in this article.

Changing the subject lets us look at anyone not born on Mother Earth ... well we call them EXTRA- TERRESTRIAL ... so that means Creator Source and God are Extra-Terrestrials also ... oh us silly little Earthlings if only we could know what we do not know!

We think we are so great and with such full knowledge, yet we know so very little.
Sadly our Governments have all agreed to not tell us ... that Aliens/ET's ARE REAL.
All it does is to bring more "loss of creditability" to those Governments and their Leaders. Especially now as more previous contacts are being revealed by some Governments and Military Leaders who often admit the space technology is far superior to human's military abilities.

The leading ETs are a race known as Pleiadians - and they are responsible for much good assistance to Earthlings ... with a major role to play in the evacuation of Earth (as revealed in other writings on this Website discussing the change of Mother Earth from 3D to 5D). If you do not know about this event you owe it to yourself to learn about it now.

It this brief article we are trying to give you a fast overview of things you need to be aware of for they are of immense importance in our very near imminent future. Failure to know what to expect will certainly leave you very frightened and unaware when events occur.

Link to Mother Earth changing from 3D to 5D can be found of the Menu in the Others section.

So let us put it all together ... so you can join the dots successfully.

We discussed the facts that we are re-incarnated so that we can continue to improved ourselves to the point where we "become ONE WITH CREATOR SOURCE".

Well one such Spirit has the name ATON. As discussed earlier Creator Source and Aton are ONE and as such we call ATON "a GOD" for he is permitted by Creator Source to share the same awesome attributes of creation. Remember that is Creator Source's plan for each of us - to also join and be One with Creator Source so we can be responsible for the ever expanding UniverseS (plural).

Now God Aton is the creator of the Milky Way Universe in which we live.

So if all this has left your head spinning, we apologize, for we have tried to educate you slowly about these facts. Please pray and pray for guidance because you will discover this is the Truth.

Once you become more aware of these facts, you will discover even more amazing facts that are certainly far above our Earthly Primers on the subject of Spiritual Matters. On this Website we attempt to provide some limited information.

Actually God Aton (who actually experienced 66,000 re-incarnations) understands just how difficult it is living as a human and has Decreed that the Lighted Realm Journals (also known as the Phoenix Journals) be brought to Earth to help mankind in the End Times as was promised by Immanuel (Jesus/Sananda).

Because God Aton is the creator of our Universe we have devoted a separate section above Jmmanuel, yet below Creator Source so that we can devote an area for God Aton special messages. These will be of great interest to you - especially since he did have physically experience so many live-cycles as a human. (Yes humans also exist on other Planets!). There is just so much we humans do not know - mainly because we never stop to receive any messages.

In an attempt to help us shorten our re-incarnations, God Aton wishes us all to read and study the Journal for they surely help us get a better understanding about a lot of matters we need to be educated about.

In the Journals you will discover references to a Dhama - Dhama is the dear lady who was chosen to assist type the Journals - she has since passed (died).

There are very explicit instructions by God Aton that her typing not be amended in any way - so we have faithfully reproduced all Journal complete with typing and similar errors on the site https://LightedRealmJournals.org however on this website we omit some paragraphs where some aspects are of a social interaction nature. Understand Dhama was using a typewriter which is far older than a computer and is not able to have corrections or sections cut. (So the social interactions are included).

For the moment at least, we think that is enough information needed to give the reader enough of an overview so that anyone looking for the Truth can have a better understanding of the Reality of Spiritual Life.

Below please find several helpful messages ...


SANANDA: Yes, chelas, it is I, Esu Immanuel ‘Jesus’ Sananda. Many of you still call me ‘Jesus’, but that is NOT my name. It was falsely given to me by Saul/Paul, my greatest enemy. With that name still falsely given, those, who were responsible for compiling your Bible deliberately filled it with lies, disinformation and a tad of Truth to lead you astray from the real Truth. Hatonn calls it Satan’s War Book.

The lies about me in the Bible are so imprinted on the minds of so many, that it is very difficult to tell them the Truth. Nothing could change their minds. That is how well the Satanic Empire has conquered the majority of souls.

Coupled with that are the countless ones, who for aggrandizement and power, call themselves spiritual counsellors. Their persuasion is persistent and charming that many fall into their trap. When all these ones pass over, they are stricken with remorse for rejecting the real Truth. Is it any wonder that my Flock is only a few hundred people out of several billion people on Planet Earth?

The glory of it all is that your soul is eternal. You only take on a physical body to learn soul growth. There is not a one of us in the Higher Realms that has not done the same, for every soul is precious. I love all souls and each one has an eternity of time to make your soul great. Some souls learn at a faster rate, just like in school. It used to be that when a student did not learn in school he/she repeated the grade.

I know in the education system of America, some students are pushed through to the next level, even though they have not learned. They cannot read, write nor think. That is what has happened with the Satanic Empire. That way ones do not and cannot think for themselves, and follow easily the path of the dark side or still asleep.

By asleep I mean the walking dead. They are physically alive, but spiritually asleep. There is great joy in Heaven when even one soul awakens.

Remember, too, that when you take on a physical body for lessons, many times you take the role that is just opposite of who you are in the Lighted Realms. Why? It is because you are learning what it is like to walk in an other’s shoes, so to speak. I know of ones who needed to experience emotions, or what is it like to have to scrub floors or work hard to make a go of it.

You gain knowledge and empathy for others, and can sympathize with those in pain or have a terrible disease. The experiences all of you go through in a physical body are far from the role you have in the Lighted Realms. Also, you take on different lifestreams completely opposite of each other. Perhaps you were a great king or queen with riches beyond belief. The next lifestream you were the poorest of the poor, struggling even to put food on the table. The greatest glory is to take on a physical body in a dense 3D environment, and have to take utmost care of that “fleshy envelope”, as it houses your soul.

It was hard for me, even to the point of trying to kill me. I know. I understand your troubles, your pain and your life. I am here to help anyone who asks for my help.

The days are numbered for the end of this civilization is at hand. We, of the Lighted Realms are here to help, but if you ask. Keep on taking care of YOU, especially your soul.


I am asked about life after death. I ask you: "Why do you insist upon dying?"
Even in the body physical I have to inquire of you WHY you perceive you must die? These things are chosen of your selves, not mine, for in MY PERCEPTION there is no such thing--ONLY CHANGE.

What you really FEAR is somehow dying OUTSIDE the enveloping connections with GOD.

Will you go to LIGHT or will the passage only spiral downward in absence of God! And, moreover, if you know not God, how can you realize that for which the SOUL lives or perishes?

Must you bear such shame as to forever conclude a place in separation for self--from God?
Why do you demand to be allowed to live in a manner presented by Man when your stated goals in passage are to be WITH God?

You tremble at the possibilities of "after" life--and yet you do not seek the counsel of those who KNOW--you insist, yea demand, to go with what only MAN physical tells you must be.

Actually, no one even tells you what IS: they only speculate and speculate and boost their own mental possibilities in order to live well among you, the less "smart" and "cunning".

Why most of the sorrow and sadness when a man makes passage?
Well, it depends on many things for observers but, for the participant there is a period of reflection and almost always a feeling of not deserving goodness for a man will feel he did not do that which was his best toward peace, goodness, balance, or harmony.

More people make passage harboring hate than love.
Arguing this point, readers, will not change it--only delay your own personal fulfillment as you reflect self upon the dying.

Patrick also has a message -T5324 Patrick

The ominous question that is ever present is “Do you believe what I say is Truth?” Always the Darkside uses doubt to win the day.

Freewill always allows you to choose Truth over Lie, but how do you know Truth from Lie? Go within and ask your God Spirit.

Your God Spirit, the Spirit of Creator God within you does not lie! You must learn to listen to the voice within and not to the voices all around you.
Do you believe this is possible?

How can you hear Creator God speaking to you when you believe that this is not possible?

How will you enter the Golden Age of Heaven, when you believe that Heaven is somewhere off in the pink clouds of 3D?

My friends, it is all about belief, faith and knowing Truth.

Would you choose to return to another 3D lifestream? Quite sad!
Is that what you truly want?

Would you prefer to have a paradise of the highest order rather than another 3D trip of pain and suffering, disease, evil, violence, chaos, lies, hatred, tiredness, discouragement and death?

I repeat, this is decision time. This is the time of choosing your next pathway that you shall surely walk.

Joshua of old stood before the people and urged them to choose wisely whom they would serve.
He said, “Choose you this day whom you will serve, but for me and my family, we shall serve Creator God”.

It is all about choosing, and your choices rest upon your belief system.

Do you even believe there is a Creator God?

For an answer to your dilemma I quote from Phoenix Journal number 27, Phoenix Operator-Owner Manual, page 19.
I. The highest command of the Law of the Creation is: Achieve the wisdom of knowledge inasmuch as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of the Creation.

II. The highest command of the Law of God is: You shall honor God as the Ruler of the human races and follow His Laws for He is the ‘King of Wisdom’.

III. You shall have no other gods than God Creator before you. Abide with the Laws of the Creation which encompasses all. Also known as ‘THE LAW OF ONE’.

There is only one Creator Source of all that is, who resides in the Isle of Light or Paradise, the hub of the “Cosmic Wheel” of the seven Super Universes.

Creator God Aton of Light is the Creator of our Nebadon Universe.

We are to honor Creator Source, and Aton, our Creator and Creator of our Nebadon Universe. He (Aton) is the Ruler of the human races and we are to follow His Laws, for He is the “King of Wisdom”. He desires to speak to all of His created beings, and when He speaks to you, you had better listen.
What you believe to be true about Creator God Aton determines your choices each day of your life.

All of your choices and all that happens to you rests upon your belief system. It is through belief/faith that you create your way.


Greetings to all Lightworkers and souled ones. I have requested to speak to all of you this day, and especially to the Lightworkers.

What I have to say to you is the Truth, for I am devoted to that with unbending Love.

Some of you Lightworkers have gained great soul growth and have been told who you really are in the Lighted Realms.
Do we lie to you? NO!
Have you not heard the greatness of who you are, really? Believe it my dear ones, believe it!

All souls are loved with a great love, and there are none, who are any “better” than any other. All are on their pathway home.

Some have opened their “third eye” to know the Truth and have kept on that pathway, despite all the pitfalls and the muck of 3D life.
Some are still unaware of who they are, and are slumbering away the time in the 3D mess.

Remember the Great Law of Returns.
Any positive or negative thought or actions about another soul comes back to you at 100 fold. Remember too, that WE ARE ALL ONE.

All of you have your great God Spirit within, and the great power of Creation. Have you realized how great you are?

Always, and always, as each of you travel the Red Road of Truth know that the higher you climb, the more difficult the trail becomes, with no let-up.

The boulders are bigger and the higher you climb, the air becomes thinner to breathe and the wind, cold and snow pound at you as you struggle the last way to the top.

Soul growth is like a spiral. Either you are going up to the Light, or you are spiralling down. There is no in-be-tween.
I am here, as is Sananda, to help you climb ever upward and to conquer all that 3D stuff that tries to keep you off the higher road.

Climbing the higher road is not easy. Along the way are side roads that are paved and smooth. There are no boulders or ruts and the way is easy.

Sananda says, as he leads you along, to not pay attention to these side roads, as they do not lead to the top of the mountain.
However, he cannot make you stay on the high road, as you have your own free will.

I wish to quote what I said in the Phoenix Journals. I consider it most important at this time.

Brethren, transcend your cycles! Do not follow those negative spirals round and round and round again; going down, down, down unto the death manifestation in the very crypt of the elec­tronic belt.

Spiral, instead, upward and outward utilizing the flame of transmutation, consuming on contact the debris ye encounter. The flame is not linear; it need not travel over the lines of human creation.

Your soul, enveloped in that flame, also need not remain any longer in the consciousness that the only way out is through the lower frequency labyrinth.

I say, transcend it! This means that in the moment when you would indulge your pettiness, your argumentation, your "human" nonsense, your dalliance in childishness, in the moment you instantly let go and you let God be the Light that swallows you up in the victory of Love.

The "Love" that is your victory is your own love that is God made manifest within yourself.

Our God IS the all-consuming fire of Love. And THAT God-self resides as close as thy heart-cell; within thy breast, within thy mind--thy soul.

Why do thee ones shut Him from thee? Ye carry within, the unlimited power of the universe and ye hide away from Him.

Gain "passion" in the loving of that wondrous Source. Love enough so that you do not have need to satisfy some human de­sire of density. You are not "forced" to appease the carnal mind and give in to that which is destructive.

Thee are blessed with a thinking, reasoning and potentially unlimited mind, given the freedom of will and choice; use it.

You do not have to engage your energies in imperfection. As much as you think that it is sometimes necessary, I tell you that by always going within, within the heart and upon the threefold flame of Life, within to thy God-force of self, you can transcend all former cycles. So be it.

When ye can sustain thy attention upon your I AM Presence and upon the Light, you will receive the energy necessary to deal with ALL other circumstances.

You will grow beyond having to travel through them in your emotions, in your mental concepts, in your memory, and in physical labor.

Think, then, upon this.
The disciplines for Higher Consciousness demand that you prove how it is that you can be in the world, and yet not of the world.

That, my dear ones is my message to all of you. Believe in your heart how great you are and who you are.

I Love all of you with a great LOVE, and it is my utmost desire that you follow that upward path to the Light.
You can do it! You can do it!

Use that great fantastic Power of Creation, your God Spirit to keep in contact with us, for that is reality and to pass all tests and make the right decisions for greatness and soul progression.

You can do it! We walk with you up that mountain.


When ye work with me, ye must know something; I do not allow of one to simply up and leave a crisis, a circumstance, or an individual that is not to his liking.

He must stand, face and conquer his own carnal mind and mis-qualified energy by disciplining his consciousness in the art of non reaction to the human creation of others, even as he learns how NOT to be dominated or influenced by his own human reaction.

When ye master these things--(MASTER these things)--then ye shall be given the alchemical secrets of the "TREE OF LIFE"--when thee "really" grow weary of the world of desire, having subdued the passions and polarizations, conceding only to "be still and know that I AM GOD. "

When this is done in perfection, then ye will get thy Ascension papers and Ascension bag and we will charge of it to the Gold Master-Card.

Thee will never make it through "pride". Ye will make it only through humility--divine humility (different than proclaimed "humility").

There is an act of "false pride" which manifests "false Humility" and causes individuals to appear humble whereas, in reality, they REEK WITH PRIDE.
This false humility is often manifest in subtle ways and it is a mockery of the real.

I urge upon all, then, that thee seek the banner of divine hu­mility.
If the Masters and the Divine Presence of man, through the mediatorship of the Christ, have ever recognized any of the errors of men that have hindered them from becoming that which they truly long to become, they have recognized their "PRIDE".

True humility is worn eternally.
It is not a garment you place upon you for a moment, for a day, or a year, or when passing a test. It is an undergarment with which God himself is clothed, and unless it surround thee, thy hopes of attainment are slim indeed.

Once ye had ascended unto the higher realms, the promise of the Master is, ye are free--finished --!

However, (and, here comes the punch line for thee ones) the EXCEPTION to the Master's promise would be if the individual, in order to FULFILL HIS DIVINE PLAN, IS REQUIRED TO COME AGAIN IN EMBODIMENT AT SOME ("FUTURE") TIME SO THAT HE (YE - 'YOU') CAN COMPLETE A SPECIFIC MISSION AGREED UPON. SO BE IT--IF THE SHOES FIT--WALK (WORK) IN THEM!

Brothers, when you finally come to face the Presence, and be­hold, in the mirror of eternal Life you see God face to face, you will then say "LO, I AM made in his image. I AM the image and the likeness of the Holy one." For in that fire, you see yourself as God is--and not as you WERE YESTERDAY in the human consciousness, or today, or tomorrow-but you see your­self in the foreverness of the invincibility of that COSMIC FLAME OF HONOR!

Men will stay on the merry-go-round until these things are LEARNED. He perceived he cannot get off; he fears he will fall off--NAY BROTHER--JUMP OFF AND INTO---!!!

If ye spend of thy time learning the lessons which will be brought unto thee, thee will have glory. Do not wait in the pondering as to whether or not Dharma has "lost her marbles" lest she take of her marbles and come home and thus end this game. Ponder upon the lessons herein; not on whether or not of the sources--ah yes, we are REAL and we come to assist and share, but turned away, we go away--free will choice of thine own gift.






I say a MOST important message given to you at this ending time. Take time AGAIN to re-read what he has said to you, for this message to you at this ending time determines your future.

YES! Your future! Some of you Lightworkers have been told, who you really are in the Lighted Realms.
You have volunteered to come to this very, very dense planet in 3D, the toughest school room in the entire Cosmos. Some of you are doubting who you are in reality--the Lighted Realms.

The beauty of this is that you came back without memory, and it is YOU and YOU ALONE with your freewill to decide if you believe what has been told to you.

The Lightworkers that have achieved the steep climb to the top of the mountain still have decisions to make!
Do you want to stay on Earth in 3D ... in the wind, snow and cold to the very end? You still have lessons to learn and decisions to make.

It takes stamina and determination to keep on for there are smooth roads in every direction and heated places to get warm. However these smooth roads led down the mountain.

If you so choose that route, it will take you a long time to get back up the mountain. Nothing is easy,

Lessons get harder and more temptations pound upon your God Spirit to take those easy roads to warmth.

If so, you shall find that the banquet door is closed and you must return to many more lifestreams to get back to the top of the mountain. It is up to your freewill.

I, also, want to tell you that certain Lightworkers were requested to return to learn lessons, as some of their actions were disrupting to the Lighted Realms.

Hopefully, these ones have learned their lessons. It is up to their freewill.

So, my message today is to read and take to heart what Serapis Bey has said which is TRUTH.
I look forward to the graduation of all of you. That graduation is still up to you.

Do NOT forget that I offer all the help possible, but you must ask and take my outstretched hand to stay strong.

J7 P 83-95

You might be thinking - So what should I do with all this new knowledge ---- to save my soul - and get soul growth

The answer is to pray and PRAY for GUIDANCE
We hope you have found this long article to be of benefit to you.


We hope you found the above message interesting to read and that you will actually Pray for guidance.

Hopefully it has given you some extra courage so you know you are NOT ALONE.

Pray for guidance for yourself and others so additional lifetimes as a human can be avoided.

Sadly we are so busy on Earth with so many wasting so much time watching TV when we should be spending more time on learning about how to save our Soul and be with Creator God.

* * * * *
We are keen to get this message to you as many things are happening including the possible end of the world as we know it.
As a consequence we shall complete some references that have been incomplete - as we need to always check to ensure these writings are as accurate as possible.

Acknowledgement for this article to Mr Michael White
with supervision from the wonderful
Mr Patrick Bellringer and his wife Anne

Please remember in your Prayers all those who bring you these Messages.

If possible please make a Donation to help cover our expenses which esculate as we grow and we need to purchase extra Disk Space and specially Bandwidth for Data Usage.

reference - to be updated as ref is incorrect

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